Welcome to the
Individual Liberty Zone

Special DATES to use as memory joggers....
July 4 - Declaration of independence from all forms of tyranny.
November 11 - Honor Veterans who pay the ultimate price defending liberty.
September 11 - Remember victims of oppression and terror everywhere.

This Liberty Zone is designed and dedicated to honor Defenders Of Unalienable Rights throughout the eons of time... WHY??? .... Because it's by claiming and defending personal freedoms and humane treatment of one another, that makes the environment supportive for creation of all forms of wealth (life, health, personal freedom and security from terrocrats and any form of harm, are among the greatest forms of wealth)... We must make the environment UNABLE to support any parasitic-forces; be they neigborhood bullies, political tyrants, tyranny of beliefs, or anything that could suck away our life-force in any arena of our life-expressions.

This Zone deals mostly with the Body Politic, which generally is termed as "government".... Stay conscious to the fact there is NO such real entity as "government", "state", "nation"; these words describe a fiction, just as do the words "corporation" or "institution". The more actual term is a "gang of individuals". Often because of the corrupting tendency of power over others, individuals often work together in cooperative effots forcing their will upon those not in their gang.

The Solution, just as in dealing with any life-form, focus on the values desired, avoid any thought of appearances, for as Wallace Wattles observed in "The Science of Getting Rich"..."God has worked a long time and very patiently to bring us up to where we are in industry and government, and he is going right on with his work. There is not the least doubt that he will do away with plutocrats, trust magnates, captains of industry, and politicians AS SOON AS THEY CAN BE SPARED; but in the meantime, they are all very necessary. I remember that they are all helping to arrange the lines of transmission along which my riches will come to me, and be grateful. This will bring me into harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will move toward me."

IF the term "God" is objectionable, then substitute whatever term is most comfortable for representing "intelligent creative energy".

THE KEY in Wallace's observation is "as soon as they can be spared"... the MORE each individual is SELF-responsible to do NO harm... the MORE each is SELF-accountable to do that which is value-productive... the LESS these within the Body Politic are asked to take care of us and do for us what each can do for the self.... the SOONER will such undesired elements dissolve away... IF there is NO perceived "need", no felt need to be care for, no visible need to be policed or kept locked away to prevent harming others, THEN such "welfare" and "police" will disappear.

As Anthony Michalski observes about this topic from the Master Key System: "The unit of the Nation is the individual. The Government represents only the average intelligence of the units comprising that Nation. Therefore, our work is with the unit. When the thought of the individual has been changed, the collective thought will take care of itself; but we try to reverse the process. We try to change governments instead of individuals, which cannot be done. But with a little intelligent organized effort the present destructive thought could be readily changed into constructive thought."

Inspiring constructive thoughts in individuals and intelligent organized efforts is the core purpose for creation of this Internet site and formation of An Ever Better World and Paradise Dynamics, along with the actions that inspire having An Ever Better Lifestyle and World --- Communities, Safe Networks, Creative Portfolios, Internet Academies, Local Cooperatives, et cetera.

Before going into depth on the Body Politic, this protective warning is offered... "Right" is not always the safest position... Would I rather be "right" or relatively safe and happy??? .... The persons entrusted with powers to foment what we term as "government" are not always honorable persons, thus great care must be made when taking any stand for "WHAT is right" to divest the self of ownership of ANY possessions, which might be liened or seized by the misuse of armed power or theft by deception... It is said the road to hell is paved with good intentions; history reveals this more often than not applies in the political and legal arena... What is considered "good" for some, often is "harmful" to others... We are often much safer when we think in terms of "stewartship" and avoid "ownership"... Stewardship indicates a high level of Trust and Confidence in properly caring for and PROTECTING... whereas Ownership indicates a preceived right to do with as desired without regard as to consequences.

Harm often is the result of thinking and acting at the level of ownership, competition and effects, rather than at the level of stewardship, creativity and causes.

Let's begin exploring the creative method of the Body Politic by understanding the corecept of "Unalienable Rights"... The root term of "unalienable" is "lien"... Using the suffix "un" meaning "not", means to NOT place any form of "lien" upon that which is being referred to... "Lien" is a claim on the property of another for payment of a debt... It's by "debt", "taxes" and "entitlements" that human beings become "enslaved" and lured into acceptance of "being a slave"...

All conflicts, wars and acts of terror are caused by NOT taking personal and societal responsibility to prevent creating the type of environment in which oppression, violence and tyranny can take root and grow...

Peace, Harmony and Prosperity are the result of applying Divine Love... NOT Unconditional Love... Divine Love... There are huge differences in the end results of applying Unconditional Love and Divine Love... Unconditional Love results in "license" to do anything then be forgiven and the act forgotten; the undersirable consequences of which we are currently dealing with... Divine Love results in "True Liberty" that is always seeking to think and do that which is for the best and highest good for self and others.

The logical first step toward creating a safe environment for "True Liberty" in which all forms of wealth (life, health, peace, freedom, safe environment, happiness, prosperity, etc.) can grow, is communication and association freedom... The first WISE USE of that freedom is spreading information about the Miracle of America...... NOT the geographical America as in current appearances... the Miracle that occurs from Global America of True Liberty envisioned by ALL Sovereign Beings... by whatever name you feel most comfortable terming this vision; it is that vision which is written on the hearts of ALL who have connected with Universal Mind and Authentic Self... You can SEE this vision and the miracle of harmonic interactions occuring as if by "magic" by observing young children playing in a sand-box... Each child soon learns to NOT throw sand at the other children for only one reason - self-protection... IF I don't throw sand at the other children, then most likely they will NOT throw sand at me... I stay viligant to sudden changes in environment and NEW kids who haven't learned to play by the "harmonic rules", but NOT provocative... You will also SEE the sudden unreasonable cruelty that happens when there is disruption in the harmonics, such as MY toy ownership, license, bullying, or a preceived unjustice has occurred.... Children must, hopefully in a "Divine Loving Safe Supervised Environment", experience the feed-back feed-forward loop of cause and effect to reach the "age of reason" (appropriate response-enabledness) ... otherwise they get stuck in RE-action, rather than only acting AFTER careful consideration as to the consequences and willingness to PAY the price for their choices.

We each must be safe to learn HOW to share, encounter and evaluate all information, then select WHAT to accept or ignore, according to what is life-empowering and life-destructive... On this planet there have been small areas where True Liberty shined forth for a short while... Unfortunately, for many reasons True Liberty has yet to ascend among a large enough population, and into a large enough social system, AT THE SAME TIME, to cause false liberty and slavery to become obsolete... Fortunately, we have that first step via the Internet, which offers a basic platform for communication freedom, and can be used to facilitate association freedom on and off the Internet with LARGE ENOUGH momentum among enough individuals to manifest a True Liberty Social System.

"The mind once expanded to the dimensions of a larger idea NEVER returns to its original size!" -- Oliver Wendal Holmes

But history reports that no matter how enlightened the thinker, without proper defenses such an enlightened thinker CAN be destroyed... History is filled with "better way" far-sighted martyrs.

In selecting information and projects to include into the Liberty Zone Cafe, there is always great consideration made to respect Patriots, Veterans, victims of terrorists, and their families... Often the highest honor that can be paid is by enduring the pain of BEING Bluntly HONEST about the actual CAUSES of suffering and lost lives... This zone is for all who bravely FACE FACTS even when doing so is very uncomfortable, and for all who serve courageously to eliminate CAUSES of all forms of tyranny...

MOST "problems" on this planet are CAUSED by NOT understanding liberty and by allowing politics to replace reality... When the facts are know, these causes become self-evident...

True Liberty always is accompanied with Appropriate Responsibility... It is a 2-sided coin - not of any worth unless both sides are properly minted with the socially accepted symbols of the realm.

Because of inaccurate information, both liberty and politics have become so confusing that understanding them have become a real challenge... While in the united States of America, the civil rights movement eliminated a few abuses, in many areas more harm than values have been created... The situation is now that the legal system offers harm-doers FAR MORE protection than the good-doers... It's probable that UNTIL you're a victim of abuse by individual, social or political forces, that there is little understanding of just how corrupt the legal and political systems are... Crimes can be committed before the eyes of the police and due to legislation, nothing can be done to stop the crime or arrest the criminal...

BEFORE continuing, PLEASE clearly comprehend that I am NOT giving MY ATTENTION TO undesired effects (which would KEEP attracting these effects)... RATHER the intent is to inform the reader that An Ever Better World System IS a reality-based dynamic applying Universal Laws life-sustaining value-productively, with acknowledgement of humankind's felt needs and our ability to gain wisdom of what does and does not work effectively from exploring PAST experiences... Plus we can use past experiences to create mental HOOKS in the brain onto which NEW brain cells can grow to build a BRIDGE from WHERE we are with this Now TO the next Now as a consciously Desired Destination... Far too many Human Beings as yet are in Analysis Paralysis investigating "How did we get here?"... It seems more wise to ASCEND to thinking like a GPS -- Global Positioning Satellite that needs 2 pieces of information -- 1. Where are you NOW? ... 2. Where do you desire to go? --- It does NOT care HOW anybody got lost...

So if you're ready to agree: WE are here now... The next reasonable step is to decide: Where do we desire to go?

Most human beings agree we'd like to have Life-sustaining Conditions which seems to begin with having True Liberty... so let's set a definition:... How about this definition? ...

True Liberty is exercising appropriate responsibility to do NO harm with free-will choice making actions...

Most human beings comprehend that: Politics are human created fictions, used to create artificial entities, memes, and virtual reality... As such these NON-Life-Forms can survive only by being a parasite attached to a Life-Form, and are incapable of understanding dynamics and processes within the "whole of the universe"... The Bible account of the "fall" in the Garden of Eden reveals results for acting with lack of understanding the WHOLE PLAN... An artificial entity can think "it" knows a better method for creating a perfect universe, thus rather than working within the universe's paradigms and processes of reality, politics creates a world of illusions and delusions, then attempts to draw the substances of reality into it. (Give appearances of being alive of its own accord.)... IF allowed to weave its web, soon it's almost impossible to know it you're in reality or virtual reality of illusions and delusions... IF this isn't clear, please do some research about the topic...

BEFORE reading the remaining of this Zone's presentation, it's strongly suggested to:

Read Software For Your Brain and NewSell
-- Also enroll for free E-mail courses on these topics at http://www.schoolofthinking.org and http://www.newsellcoaching.com/
Connect with people applying this wisdom...

  • SHARE THESE solutions with EVERY BODY you encounter!!!!

    THESE projects offer the ONLY real hope We The People in the USA have to END the income tax fraud and other abuses being brought upon us by the parasites we've been allowing to feed off us... Freedom from tyranny on the rest of the planet IS DIRECTLY LINKED to withdrawing support of Theft By Deception Terrorists!!!

    As Larken Rose author of "Theft By Deception" observes: ... "Reality doesn't give credit for good intentions, and it doesn't give you a second chance because your cause is righteous. Reality often makes innocent people suffer and gives evil people power. Reality is heartless, unbending, and uncompromising. Don't pick a fight with reality. It will win."

    My question to each of you regarding the "income tax" fraud is: do you want to be a righteous martyr, or do you want to WIN? ... If we are to win this, we must understand the game, the players, and the playing field." - - For text of a to-the-point e-mail from Larken Rose on this subject, click here....

    This site is created by a free sovereign individual who is very thankful to be an American and feels obligated to do whatever I can to insure that human beings everywhere can enjoy our unalienable rights... Each human being is BORN with rights, but generally we must CLAIM and vigilantly PROTECT KEEPING our rights... To NOT do these, "slavery" is the default... The first components of what I can do is collect and share the concepts and processes that facilitate this objective. The purpose is most easily manifested by using the Success Enigineering Process, which includes Accurate and Appropriate Educare and Actions. Much of these are offered within the zones of this Liberty Zone Cafe... Clearly the Zone you are now reading is focused on RECLAIMING True Liberty, Unalienable Rights of Sovereignty and Self-government, Whole-Life Eco-Sustainability, Personal Self-Care Do No Harm Responsibility, Accountability For Our Actions, and the essentialness of Each Individual Acting Locally To Understand, Protect and Preserve ALL Unalienable Rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....

    The 1776 Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

    No matter where on this planet an individual Human Being resides, each has "Unalienable Rights", and is entitled to have these "Unalienable Rights" respected and protected, whether or not an individual is aware of these "Unalienable Rights"... Unfortunately because so many people do not know about Unalienable Rights, they're treated as if they have NO Unalienable Rights... WE THE PEOPLE who DO KNOW about the facts set forth in the Declaration of Independence, MUST ACT to enlightened all people to the facts about Unalienable Rights... To easily accomplsh this goal, we have the Internet, and we have financing by using projects within An Ever Better World Community... We already have proven successful patterns and models to provide appropriate educare which can be gained via this faithfully partaking of offerings in this Liberty Zone Cafe... Begin the quest by clearly understanding the information in this Zone and CLAIMING the power We The People HAVE... Always remember: Like any inheritance: ALL rights and power require being CLAIMED and correctly used.

    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." - (Preamble to Constutition of the united Staes of America)

    Few of us can have immediate global impact... but EACH of us CAN DO many "rights protecting actions" AT the INDIVIDUAL and LOCAL levels... These actions create ripples like that of a stone tossed into a lake... With enough local actions, global impact eventually occurs, just as every energy packet affects the whole of energy, and vice versa! -- When ENERGY is fully comprehended, it is self-evident that ALL is simply energy vibrating at different rates and frequencies.

    Getting from where we are now, to where we'd rather be could be summed up as a "Solutions Unlimited Process"... SOME WHERE, SOME BODY knows THE SOLUTION TO ANY problem... Human Beings are innately "solution seekers and providers"... The solution is connecting with A solution WHEN IT is needed... This Internet site is where individuals anywhere on the planet can access solutions WHEN they are needed, and easily acquire the knowledge to ACT LOCALLY doing simultaneous An Ever Better World -- Paradise On Earth -- Manifesting Projects with others around the planet... By acting simultaneously we can globally manifest the original American Dream of a Planetary Paradise where everybody can have all forms of wealth... SOUNDS SIMPLE BUT.... (Whatever follows the "but", such are "obstacle EXCUSES" for NOT becoming part of the solution - instead of remaining as part of the problem!)... Remember enlightened beings work at the Level of Causation, NOT Effects... Problems are Effects... Remove the Cause and the Effect dissolves.

    HOW is an elephant eaten?

    Just LIKE any huge project... cut it into easily chewed BITE SIZE pieces.

    WHERE to begin? -- At the level of NOTICING and QUESTIONING as A FREE-Thinker IN Terra Libra...

    We're Creating a "Mutual Uplift System" That Enables Like-Minded Individuals to Make the Differences the World So Desperately Needs!

    In Terra Libra, we build freedom first by recognizing that personal power originates in each individual... To the extent that an individual obeys "bureaucrats", the individual surrenders some degree of personal power.... (If you recognize this principle, there are perhaps two reasons you might still obey bureaucrats from time to time: (1) You do so voluntarily, because you expect to gain some benefit; (2) You do so, so that a thug won't shoot you or steal your property.)

    The Free-Thinker John Galt, the hero of "Atlas Shrugged," observed: "Man's life, as required by his nature, is not the life of a mindless brute, of a looting thug or a mooching mystic, but the life of a thinking being -- not life by means of force or fraud, but life by means of achievement."

    The heroic pursuit of happiness that does no harm to others, is part of living life by means of achievement that is most personally and globally value-productive.... For in so doing, others received MANY FALL-OUT BLESSINGS from the actions of such an individual's value-seeking, achievements, making things interesting, and other myraid of happiness inspiring endeavors...

    The libertarian philosophy, in essence is: A Human Being as a heroic being, with personal happiness as the moral purpose of our life-expression, with productive achievement as the noblest activity, and reason as the only absolute.

    Since the political environment in which we reside determines the degree of freedom we each have for doing the actions that manifest our dream, we each must decide WHICH political pattern to embrace:


    • Our government is a government of, by and for the people;
    • We The People, individually and collectively, DO, in fact, have unalienable rights that are guaranteed by written state and federal constitutions;
    • government is nothing more than the name of a group of people working FOR We The People;
    • government may do only that which is set forth within the constitutions;


    • Human Beings have NO unalienable rights;
    • all rights are subject to modification; a Constitution is merely a piece of paper and government should not be limited by the Constitution because it can do good things for people.

    NOTE: There's often confusion between the words UNalienable and INalienable... The Declaration of Independence uses the word UNalienable... not INalienable!

    * Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred. (RE: Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page 1523)

    * Inalienable rights: Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights. (RE: Morrison v. State, Mo. App., 252 S.W.2d 97, 101.)

    * Source: http://www.unalienable.com/

    DO I clearly understand what "unalienable rights" are?

    DO I greatly treasure these unalienable rights?

    If so, what am I doing to protect, preserve and use these unalienable rights?

    The highest honor is continuing the vigilant work required to protect and enjoy individual unalienable Rights, including: True Liberty, Peaceful Co-existence, and all other forms of wealth... Throughout this Internet site is offered educare and easy-to-do actions for individuals who desire to enjoy the blessings of true liberty, embrace personal responsibility for insuring our actions do no harm, and are willing to protect the great treasures manifested by free-thinkers for ourselves and our posterity...

    In creating a peaceful and prosperous society, what counts most is "character" -- what we each do with our life, the ethics and morality of our actions. - - Noble Character is moral, emotional, intellectual qualities that initiate ethical disposition and strength... Noble Character is being on a high intellectual and moral level with balanced emotions that guides actions so as to do no harm. -- Being ethical is acting in accordance with the principle of right or good conduct... resulting in attributes such as integrity, honesty, kindness, appropriate-response enabled, et cetera...

    As many have discovered, such as Larken Rose: "... along the way it became clear that government bureaucrats almost always behave, not as law-enforcers for a Constitutional republic, but as kneecap-smashers for an extortion racket. They feel comfortable doing the wrong thing, as long as everyone else in their gang is doing it, and as long as their superiors CONDONE their extortionist practices. The nationwide pattern of this misconduct is spelled out in my letter to President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft... RE: http://www.Theft-By-Deception.com"

    WE The People ARE the "superiors", and EACH of us ought NOT condon ANY violations of our unalienable rights... We The People, individually and collectively, should be eternally grateful and protective of the "rights" secured and protected by written constitutions of the united States of America and the States that are part of this democratic compound republic union. It's wise that we maintain accurate historical records, for among other benefits in so doing we can avoid repeating errors. This also insures preservation of the knowledge that the principles within our constitutions flowed from the religion that most Americans embrace, which is the form of "Christianity" which instills Noble Character, and uses the secular inquiring pattern set by Christ Jesus, the Supreme Free-Thinker... (He paid the ultimate price for daring to question religious authorities.)... Secularism holds the ability to deliberate in a course of free inquiry, and make choices (decide) after evaluating all the knowable facts and hypotheses, as the most versatile, valuable, and useful of all human abilities. Developing this ability requires teaching open system "methods" instead of closed system "doctrines"....

    The United States was first among nations to adopt a SECULAR Constitution. - - Authors of the Constitution of the united States of America, were clear about the essential component to individual liberty, that citizens be free to support the church of their own choice, or no religion at all. Our Constitutions were very purposefully written to be non-religious documents, whose only references to religion are exclusionary....

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (Bill of Rights - Article 1.)

    The Constitution of the united Sates of America clearly limits government authority and defines the authority that We The Sovereign People, give to the group of people known as "government". There are no exceptions to the law.... Beware of confusion between "Laws", "Legal" "Regulations" and "Rules"... Government "Gangs" can make anything legal and murder those who do not obey their mandates, but that does made such "law".

    Framers of the State Consitutions and united States of America constitution had first hand experiences with the horrors perpetrated by religion-based authoritarian monarchy and their legal-speak... The Framers of our constitutions would certainly agree that all religions promote THEIR version of WHAT to believe and do, which is claimed to be "THE Truth".... When there is more than ONE THE Truth claimants, without Agape-type love, there's bound to be conflict.... The solution is AGAPE, which includes LOVING TOLERANCE... Accept what you can, ignore the rest!!...

    Most likely the Framers of the American constitutions would agree, "THE Truth" is a very infectious "virus" that often is deadly! - - They reveal this understanding in their listing of the king's abuses in the 1776 Declaration of Indepedence... Results of "THE Truth Virus" are revealed by events such as planes used as massive bombs on September 11, 2001, by age-old wars over the "Holy Lands", and by continuing domestic terrorism in many nations around the planet... These horrors attest to the inevitable destructive consequences of "THE Truth fantatics" blinded to the point of unquestioning loyalty and sacrifice.

    Whatever our personal preferences are: It's vital to protect the Jeffersonian "wall of separation between church and state" which has served the American society so value-productively. - BOTH church and state are THE Truth advocates... Conflict between these often very different "Truths" will always be the norm. Fortunately "harm" can be minute IF We The Sovereign Thinkers keep a high degree of vigilance over "law" makers and keep all bound to do no harm by a clearly defined written contract between the parties to it, We The People (Electorate), the States in the union, and the Federal entities.

    In a letter to James Smith, Thomas Jefferson says: "...that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without a rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm of reason, and the mind becomes a wreck...." (RE: Works, Vol. iv., p. 360

    Nowhere is it more essential to AVOID "THE Truth" conflicts than in the Body Politic.... With such massive institutional political power over so many areas in our lives, the risk and amount of potential damage from an errant "THE Truth" is just TOO HUGE... We must break THE Truth Dependency (addiction to somebody else's idea who did the thinking, then tell us WHAT to think), and embrace Reality-Based NO such thing as Absolute Truth that recognizes humankind's innate ability to peacefully prosper by the often hard work of Petpetual Improvement Thinking... We must teach HOW to think, not just WHAT to think...

    Both church and state have a vested-interest in teaching ONLY WHAT to think... That's why they both founded "schools" to teach THEIR Truth... Their "What To Think Schools" cause us who are Thirsty Learner, great pain and often destroy the will to live and thrive... It's a difficult challenge to BE a free-curious-thinker, within a closed system. - Fortunately the Internet is helping Thristy Learners to connect... From this networking can emerge empowerment for, and development of, Open Educare Systems For Learning and Inventing. -- The Learning Zone deals with this "educare" aspect, which recognizes that to truly grasp any sphere of activity, study or interest, requires looking at the subject from all sides with honesty that is fully integrated into the whole paradigm...

    Reality can be messy, confusing, and expensive in time and other resources, to collect evidence, reason, understand, and cope with; but the alternative of THE Organized Fixed Truth produces experiences much more expensive, much more painful, and much more destructive. --- It's hard work doing the activities required to evaluate everything I think and what I value... It's painful to recognize that my inherited Christian bases for thinking and values had to be restructured... It took many painful experiences before gaining understanding that morality and ethics has nothing to do with "religion"... But no matter how much pain involved, THE Truth alternatives while much easier to learn and temporarily comforting, are always more painful and destructive...

    Enough of humankind must WAKE UP and ACT, before THE Truth slavery returns completely... Witness advocates of THE FEDS' Truth using We The Sovereign People's Money to do THEIR enslaving dirty work....

    Remember the pictures of U.S. Terrocrats setting examples of "a result" from NOT vigilantly honoring True Liberty.... Remember a frightened fisherman Donato Dalrymple holding a terrified 6-year-old Elian Gonzalez inside the bedroom of Lazaro Gonzalez during the pre-dawn hours Saturday, April 22, 2000, as Border Patrol agents stormed the Miami, Florida home to seize custody of the boy..... Could YOUR child be next? !!!! -- HOW SOON DO We FORGET????

    With this type example to model, can there be any doubt as to WHY children are using guns to kill parents and school-mates, instead of seeking non-violent methods for resolving conflicts???

    Without being taught HOW to think, reason and negotiate... children are copying what they see on TV and in the newspapers...

    Behind this "Elian" incident, is just another TEST by the Feds to prove how "THE Truth" indoctrinated and enslaved the terrocrats have Americans... PLEASE do NOT MISS the REASON for this raid... It had NOTHING to do with the FACTS of THIS case... it had ONLY to do with "challenging authority" of Federal Agents... DO what the Slave Master say, or suffer the horrible consequences of disobedience...

    WHAT is the MOST important action any individual can do to protect their self and loved ones from such horrors?... How can we enjoy true liberty, and all other forms of wealth?...

    THE SOLUTION: (1) KNOW WHO is sovereign and HOW to protect the innate unalienable rights of a sovereign... (IF this answer isn't understood, READ the 1776 Declaration of Independence) ....(2) Join An Ever Better World Community and attend An Ever Better World Internet Academy Courses... (It might be wise to also declare a Personal Liberty Crusade and have a Personal TEA Dumping Party... The first TOXIN to DUMP and stay free from is TOXIC Slave/Master Belief.) --

    Personal note: In my toxin-dumping endeavor, it was a delight to discover that after evaluating inherited Christian values, and being open to honest inquiry where ever it leads, that most of the Christian values my parents taught me ARE reality-based, and thus worth keeping in MY Values Portfolio; because they are the Religion OF Jesus, NOT the Religion ABOUT Jesus...

    The next area that I began seriously evaluating was "government" and what I'd been taught about social systems...

    The first factor that made "sense" to me is that: The United States was never intended to be a welfare agency to its citizens, citizens of the States, nor to other nations around the planet.... "Government" exists solely for the protection of the society that the "current gang in control" serves.... The first action the Body Politic must address is to REDUCE "government" to its constitutionally authorized size and activities.

    In usurping the American Private Enterprise Paradigm with a Socialistic Paradigm.... Our government representatives have corruptly mired us in debt and damaged our physical and financial safety.... Wake up America! We must bring control back to the productive people NOW, or it will be lost forever. - The most critical aspect of this control is that our representatives must be forced to limit their spending only to what they're authorized to spend in the Constitution. Otherwise, they will continue to steal our money to pay for their "habits."

    The solution reflects THE MAJOR difference between this Internet Domain and most others... which is the presentation of Private Enterprise ACTIONS to DO that can peacefully and practically achieve the desired results of True Liberty and all other forms of Wealth... Our universe contains unlimited abundance, access to which requires understanding how to claim and wisely use the resources.... Only beliefs and actions can create illusions of "scarcity"... The "Scarcity Doctrine" is used to enslave others (often by guilt of having more than others), so as to GET FOR FREE the various forms of capital wealth individuals manifest by our thoughts and labor... This doctrine is used to make theft acceptable; such as is done by taxation, fractional reserve banking, and interest.

    Those who KNOW they are slaves, often have a better understanding of what True Liberty is... Those with illusion they are FREE, but in reality are SLAVES, have NO concept of what TRUE LIBERTY is... Most who live in the professed leader of the "Free World" known as the united States of America, and believe that their unalienable rights are protected by a "constitution", are in just such an illusion, and are ignorant of what True Liberty is...

    In 1993, Professor Clarence B. Carson observed in the preface to his Civic textbook entitled: Basic American Government.... "It would be a considerable fraud to do a book on American government which talked as if the constitution were still being substantially observed, that pretended that when Presidents took the oath of office they intended to observe the bounds set by the Constitution, that Congressmen recited their pledges with the same intent, that Federal judges were still construing the Constitution as it was written. In sum, any book on American government worthy of the name ought to make clear how remote from the Constitution the government has become." -

    This quote brought to our attention by:
    The Friends of Freedom
    6700 Creston Drive
    Louisville, KY. 40258

    Amercians in restoration of obedience to the written Constitution form of external goverance... and "freedom from tyranny" efforts... usually splits into 3 main branches...

    • those who accept humankind to have a spiritual nature connected to a higher power source known as "GOD",

    • those who do not believe in "God", and

    • those who refuse to waste time on conflicts about anything as yet beyond scientifically provable parameters...

    Ayn Rand, credited for clearly articulating the Libertarian Philosophy wrote in her notes to herself prior to creating the story of Atlas Shrugged.... "Don't forget to keep in mind at all times how the physical proceeds from the spiritual."... Some individuals in the libertarian movement avoid all apsects of spirituality... Some hold such belief as the cause of irrationality...

    Neo-Tech writings report....

    "Julian Jaynes showed us that 3000 years ago, human nature was split in two, an executive part called a 'god', and a follower part called a 'man'. All along, the gods were really all in man's own mind. When bicameral man made the jump into consciousness, he unknowingly and with undoubtedly much trepidation and uncertainty, became one with God. From the discovery of consciousness to the first automobile took 2900 years of accumulated knowledge. THEN, within 100 years, man went from the auto to the airplane, to the moon, and now toward super computers for everyone.... Knowledge accumulates geometrically, quickly leaving nature's forces far behind as if frozen compared to the incredibly fast, always accelerating generation of new knowledge...."

    NOTE: Julian Jaynes' observation that human culture "unknowingly and with undoubtedly much trepidation and uncertainty, became one with God" might be what Jesus Christ meant with statements such as "I Am That I Am", or "The Father and I are One"... Remember he was perhaps showing the still bicameral peasants HOW to become conscious and link to the First Source & Center of All That Exists.... a/k/a Consciousness as the Beginning of the Beginning, from which manifested energy and then matter.

    No matter WHERE an individual stands on such topics, WE CAN work in harmony, cooperation, and collaboration IF EACH will focus on WHAT IS ESSENTIAL... Liberty from all forms of tyranny... Liberty to manifest all forms of wealth! ... FREEDOM to BE HAPPY !.... Remember the KEY RULE for ALL conduct.... As long as NO physical harm is done...

    The writer of this Internet "book" (a/k/a Liberty Zone Cafe Text) ... has chosen to be in harmony, to willingly work within ALL Realms where harmony is allowed resonance, and to move as Neo-Think practioners suggest... "From an Abyss of Ignorance to a Matrix of Understanding", by using fully integrated honesty and wide-scope integrations of conscious scientific and business dynamics, whereby each day means forward movement in creating more and more improvements in whole-life understandings and conditions; and whereby the greatest "sin" would be for an individual to live and die without creating permanent advances to civilization... Those volitional dynamics interface with the automatic dynamics of nonconscious nature... So far, the results from exploration of the dual, yet often parallel, path to UNDERSTANDING REALITY is manifesting what humankind has throughout the eons worked to bring from a "picture" deep within the self... A picture that has become labeled as the true whole-life American Dream.... So far, the results of this choice have manifested ever more clarity and blessings for those who allow their self this broad scope of universe exploration.... Only by the results (fruits) can I know for sure which was causation of value-productiveness (aligned with life & light) or value-destructiveness (aligned with death & darkness)... When Eternal Conscious Life is the goal, reality suggests that with this goal held passionately, in due time will manifest; because experiences reveal energy and matter must form and reform to the unifying force of applied consciousness... ONLY consciousness can alter or go beyond the fixed operational patterns of nature.

    Least We Forget... DEAD Patriots don't lie that the cost of liberty, and keeping other forms of wealth safe from theft, is often very high... But the alternative of living in ignorance and slavery carries even a GREATER COST that most of us are unwilling to pay... Most patriots and non-patriots, comprehend we must always be working viligantly in the modality of UNDERSTANDING, SAVING and MANIFESTING the American Dream... THAT IS THE ANSWER to the question... Remember: WHAT is the MOST important action any individual can do to enjoy true liberty, and all other forms of wealth?...

    Participate in the "An Ever better World Community"

    The first phase is designed to build a
    PERSONAL empowerment FREEDOM Library
    that begins by revealing the history about
    The Miracle of America...

    The story about The Miracle of America
    revolves around UNITY of Purpose, expressed in
    personal Liberty Zones & a social/political constitution...

    That inspired a 5000 Year Leap forward in
    Improvement Concepts & Projects via
    UNIFIED ever-renewing ACTIONS (NeoActions) to
    SAVE & Manifest America's Success Formula
    for all individuals on the planet

    How to
    GREATLY EXPAND the Liberty Zone

    BE Liberty-First Minded...
    As Samuel Adams observed:

    "If Ye love (financial) wealth better than Liberty,
    the tranquility of servitude (slavery) better than the animating contest of Freedom,
    go home from us in peace.

    We ask not your counsels or your arms.
    Crouch down and lick the hands that feed you.
    May your chains set lightly upon you, and
    may posterity forget Ye Were our Countrymen."

    SO... JOIN the Libertarian Party... Even if you don't agree with everything in their platform... PICK OUT WHAT YOU AGREE with, then FOCUS YOUR ENERGY on these aspects... Each of us working of "WHAT I AGREE WITH" and IGNORING THE REST, manifests positive cooperation and collaboration around THE REALLY IMPORTANT ASPECTS, that WILL naturally elevate the value-productive and dissolve the value-destructive.... As Frederick Mann, developer of the FREE World Order concept, suggests: BUILD FREEDOM... Simply, IGNORE the REST... Always remember the FIRST RULE in the universe...

    WHAT ever gets ATTENTION is WHAT manifests!!!! ....

    SO, EVEN IF you're a life-long die-hard Democrat, Republican, or whatever... MAKE THE FIRST BIG STEP into creating the TRUE American Dream... which is JOIN HANDS with the Libertarian Cause and Party... YOUR "intelligence" tells you it just is the RIGHT THING TO DO...

    Next... USE memory-tools to stay consciousness that True Liberty requires moment by moment DEFENSE... Thus...

    Participate in An Ever Better World Money Generating Projects to earn plenty of money so as to FINANCE True Liberty... THIS is an Essential Action PROCESS built on the firm foundation of HELPING OTHERS LEARN HOW TO FISH in the ocean filled with abundant forms of wealth... THIS is a WIN WIN WIN System...

    I win!... YOU win!... WE win!

    (Leadership and Elections are won by the amount of money available to persuasively advertise the candidates!!... Poor people vote for candidates who promise to TAX (steal from) the value-producers to give to the value-destroyers... Thus since poverty now grips the majority of voters, it's essential to generate WIDE-SPREAD WEALTH so that the MAJORITY of VOTERS will vote for candidates dedicated to PROTECTING the value-producers EARNED WEALTH!!)

    Please note that in a sound social system CHARITY is a built-in feature... Humankind naturally CARES for individuals in true need. But such charity is voluntarily offered in formats that repairs the broken life, and empowers the individual to be a fully-functioning value-producer.

    To be a wise voter requires personal UNDERSTANDING of the concepts and provisions within a whole-life value-productive "Constitution" ... Social peace and individual prosperity require contractual agreements and operational documents that protect Individual Liberty Zones from the social and political (body politic) institutions. Such institutions can survive only by being "symbiotic" or "parasitic"... Without close wise supervision by libertarians, and constitutional growth-containing chains, institutions always evolve into being PARASITES preying upon the fruits (wealth) produced by individual's labor, usurping away individual ability to self-protect, and blocking personal choice-making freedoms, (especially money-generating freedoms and powers to lessen competition)....

    ACCURATE EDUCARE about the value-productive and value-destructive components within social interactions and contracts is the primary purpose for An Ever Better World Internet Academy.

    In keeping the passion for True Liberty it's helpful to PAUSE DAILY to remember the PRICE PAID for LIBERTY...

    Allow these reverent memories to motivate being eternally viligant against all forms of oppression...

    With every action, KEEP the pressure on....
    Always Remember:
    Authoritarians & Politicians will see the light,
    WHEN they FEEL enough HEAT!!!

    The BEST method to KEEP THE HEAT HOT ENOUGH to insure True Liberty and other forms of wealth prevails is to be actively involved with An Ever Better World Community, which includes regularly hosting and attending Internet Academy Courses!!!

    As you read information on this site you will discover many methods and techniques to EXPAND personal liberty... A KEY SUCCESS manifesting ASPECT is to ALSO EXPAND the POWER of the BODY POLITIC so as to PROTECT "personal liberty" and other forms of wealth...

    AS you go about your daily lifestyle... LOOK for SIGNS that Defenders & Promoters of Liberty are making progress and network with them... Please share your observations with us, so we can post them on this website, or link to them...

    While observing the STATE of LIBERTY... notice any personal FEELINGS, EXCUSES, or tendencies to ignore or escape the STATE of SLAVERY existing around me... Because of business or peer-pressure and comfort ruts, WHAT dragons am I refusing to avoid or slay? .... WHAT personal excuses am I using to NOT join An Ever Better World Community building activities???...

    When oppression becomes unbearable, the choice of most people is to "escape" the situation...

    Events prove the FACT IS that there is no longer any "safe" place to escape to... Either we who do NOT want to be SLAVES, work together now in unified actions to END SLAVERY and STOP TYRANNY in their many specious and deceptive forms, or we'll individually be destroyed...

    TRUE LIBERTY, just as any other form of wealth, can exist ONLY with appropriately applied unified efforts of enough individuals.... True Liberty begins in the mind, heart and soul of an individual... Stay ever conscious to the FACT that: Manifesting SECURE conditions to manifest individual liberty IS A TEAM EVENT!!!

    WHAT will inspire unity within the diverse Defenders of Liberty community???

    The answer is simple... PASSIONATE DESIRE for TRUE LIBERTY....

    This desire will inspire us to... Replace conflicts about WHO is Right, with unity about WHAT IS RIGHT... Exchange disagreements about WHICH special interests to fund with forced taxation, with unity by agreeing to END tax-funding of ANY special interest... Remember IF any thing requires forced tax funding to create or maintain, THEN it clearly is NOT some thing desired by or beneficial to the taxpayers!!! - People gladly and voluntarily pay for what is needed and desired. Force is required only when something is NOT in the best interest of the individual being forced to pay for it.

    WHAT is RIGHT always aligns with universal reality (everybody can know "it", requires no description from others.)... WHAT is WRONG always aligns with brain-generated illusions (only the thinker can know "it" and must describe it to others.)

    WHAT IS RIGHT is freedom from all the seemingly good sounding LURES that CAUSE slavery and tyranny... CUT the ROOTS that feed the mentality which empowers FELT need for external controls and taxation.

    WHAT IS RIGHT is responsible self-care, self-educare, self-government.

    WHAT IS RIGHT is voluntary teamwork... a Unity of Diversity... to accomplish tasks required to achieve the desired outcome (the goals) for which the team was formed.

    Informationa and projects within this whole Liberty Zone will help inspire UNITY OF DIVERSITY... This begins by connecting with and uniting individuals and organizations who...

    • embrace America's Success Formula
    • desire restoration of America's Success Formula
    • will work in harmonic unity with others to reclaim & manifest America's Success Formula for everybody on the whole planet to enjoy.

    The American Dream and use of America's Success Formula are blocked from manifesting by illusions (perceived as a reality) such as Government (Caesar's gang). These gangs of individuals, have as their purpose the regulating of each individual's choices, and forced taxing to fund the many special interest trees and branches of slavery and tyranny. Government-gang mentality has been on the planet for so long that most people have yet to consciously think about WHAT glorious conditions might exist by NOT having slave-master Caesars to render unto. Most don't comprehend the extend to which government policies CAUSE most conflicts among cultures, CAUSE poverty, and CAUSE situations such as the Y2K crisis.

    The Y2K situation is a witness about government's inability for problem-solving; yet the majority cling to hope that government won't let anything "too bad" happen. The government knew for many many years about the potential dangers of Y2K, but implemented policy after policy to actively abuse the brightest among us who could provide solution. Fortunately there are entrepreneurs willing to ignore bureaucracy enough to find solutions... In the process of avoiding the enslavers, dreams of freedom emerged.

    The Newman Energy Machine is an excellent example of how long held Theories are changed by OPEN-SYSTEM Thinking... and how many slave-orientated people, will conspire to PREVENT liberating discoveries from being made known or used... The long struggle by Joseph Newman to get a patent for his discovery and invention for a SELF-RUNNING Energy Machine with its Electro-magnetic lift system that continually recharges the batteries, is a perfect example of how hard "government" monopolies will work to PREVENT FACTS from being made known and block liberating technology from being used!!! - - WITH THIS ENERGY MACHINE, we can have SAFE and almost literally FREE ENERGY - - His long time supporter, Evan Soule is the person we can thank for leading the battle to re-legalize buying GOLD in America.

    WHEN an individual DREAMS about freedom from stagnation and from being abused by the enslavers... Just a small amount of private success makes the dream grow into a PASSION... A passion that fuels the DESIRE for freedom from all forms of slavery... A passion that fuels the ACTIONS to achieve True Liberty.

    The abuses that We The People are enduring by allowing Kings or Caesars to exist are clearly and simply stated in the text of the American Colonists' 1776 Declaration of Independence... History has repeated itself... Have we HAD ENOUGH suffering yet???.... Are we ready to follow their success formula, and do what these brave souls did when they TASTED FREEDOM and HAD ENOUGH SUFFERING as a King's SLAVE??? ...

    In their struggle for freedom, a unique success formula evolved... Their unique success formula includes: Put aside differences and consciously worked together to reason through the causes of the conditions and effects of their beliefs... MAYBE what we believe has errors... MAYBE the conditions to which we're accustomed, are not the best they can be... MAYBE who we're rendering unto is not the provider of blessings...

    From their HONEST EVALUATION, the founders of the united States Of America formulated a very unique American Success Formula founded on HIGH RESPECT for creating external conditions that inspire an Internal Locus of Control. They knew that ONLY an Internal Locus of Control is able to consciously discern universal principles of truth, beauty and goodness which endows Free-Will Conscious Choice-Making Beings with True Liberty to acquire the knowledge and skills to create wealth in all its diverse glorious forms.... The Internal Locus of Control connects with universal divinity and REFLECTS this inner spiritual divinity outward into what is created in the physical realm of experiential reality.

    Unfortunately, because of insufficient widespread EDUCARE, NOT enough people understood how to achieve Internal Locus of Control to fully embrace the spiritualizing philosophy that empowers the ideals of True Liberty... The American Success Formula works ONLY for a moral and righteous people... Because of inadequate EDUCARE, not enough People achieved freedom from the specious External Locus of Control philosophies that empower evil, slavery and tyranny... Actually, slavery is the lazy person's "choice"... Which is why this path of least resistance is so attractive to individuals not wanting to expand the energy required to wisely use individual choice-making reason, and to be held responsible for what is created by their choices... Both Government and Corporate closed-systems result from individuals preferring to leave choice-making to the few who like to be slave-masters and gang-leaders.

    BECAUSE of limited media coverage of accurate EDUCARE, libertarians continually play the ESCAPE GAME... When the abuses get too oppressive... survivalists become self-sufficient, leave home, and try to find less oppressive conditions in which to survive .... This escapism breeds DIS-TRUST of others (who might be King Caesar's informants), and instills "can count on only me" lone-wolf syndrome which blocks CONFIDENCE to UNIFY with others in teamwork to end slavery and tyranny.

    While a great many people claim to want freedom from authoritarian governments and socialist or communist philosophies, and the horrors they cause... This has translated into a vast amount of independent Christian denominations or "libertarian movements" without strong concentrated LASER power to permanently end slavery and tyranny... The dissatisfied just keep escaping and forming new colonial groups, which just keeps DILUTING the strength of the American Success Formula... The colonies must once again UNITE to defeated our common enemy!!

    Distrust among the colonist in the numerous freedom groups, and the LURES of PET special interests and entitlements Caesar keeps tossing to appease wantabe revolutionists, have almost blocked any hope of unity and teamwork....

    FORTUNATELY with effective USE of the INTERNET and components in the SAVE the American Dream Campaign, libertarians CAN NOW UNIFY our diverse skills to achieve complete VICTORY by Accurate Sufficient EDUCARE that inspires WISE Internal Locus of Control and Creation Power Wisdom... From within will shine forth glorious universal truth, beauty and goodness that creates excellence in all that is and generates wealth in all its glorious forms... Unity of diversity is the universe's method for creating its glorious picture of "nature".

    Every person has innately within their being this American Dream...

    Everybody has glimmers of what components are in the America's Success Formula...

    Everyone is ABLE to DO SOMETHING to SAVE and MANIFEST the American Dream...

    This Liberty Zone web-site is for everyone interested in being listed as endorsing and participating with the An Ever Better World Community.

    Listed throughout this LIBERTY ZONE website are individuals and organizations actively working to implement UNITY and generate SAFE communities for Defenders of Liberty. On this page are listed the major activists with which this Freedom Facilitator works most closely in creating An Ever Better World Educare Centers...

    The Self-evident fact is that: The major block to freedom from tyranny is LACK OF UNIFIED ACTION by individuals and organizations understanding and desiring true liberty.

    Liberty or Tyranny can rule in the internal or external affairs of humankind ONLY when empowered by an individual's cooperation... Both "good and evil" usually obtain cooperation by organized campaigns....

    Liberty uses individual desires and private initiatives for survival and healthy longevity (a/k/a "good"); which inspires learning about and obedience to consistent universal principles which manifest these desires... These are principle that anybody can know by listening to their innate holy spirit, and from observing cause and effect... actions and results. When necessary, libertarians form voluntary teamwork to more efficiently accomplish desired results and agreed upon purposes. Libertarian cooperation is achieved by factual information and education that inspires sincere desires for, and actions to produce the desired, beneficial results.

    Tyranny uses organized authoritarian or gang efforts that demand obedience to an authoritarian's or tyrant's doctrines that can be known only by teachings from their authorized sources. Cooperation is achieved mostly by promises of free entitlements, seemingly good sounding (specious) deceptions, fear or force (a/k/a "evil").

    Escaping from the mental slave-programming that has unknowingly been instilled into each of us IS EASILY accomplished ONLY WHEN there is sufficient external guidance onto "safe de-programming path" from individuals who have ALREADY escaped and made the journey to TRUE LIBERTY... For this Freedom Facilitator, the most helpful "slavery de-programming" source has been from writings and projects inspired by Frederick Mann... TERRA LIBRA REPORTS... FREE SPEAK... BUILD FREEDOM... Millionaire Reports...

    It's generally accepted that framers of the 1776 Declaration of Independence, and the framers of the Constitution of the united States of America, had discovered the basic components for a formula that manifests the dream envisioned by most conscious human beings... A dream which includes... victory of good over evil... true liberty from political tyranny (or any other form of authoritarian or gang empowerment)... personal choice-making freedom and responsibility for the consequences... peaceful co-existence among diverse beliefs, cultures and socio-economical structures ... and prosperity for all willing to learn and use the Universe's (America's) Success Formula.

    It's also generally accepted that their insightful prediction has come true: One generation not inspired to be in touch with their innate holy spirit, and who do not learn about and apply America's Success Formula, the wisdom would be lost again... along with the blessings previously manifested by using this unique success formula.

    To date the most comprehensive presentations about this unique success formula and the results are...

    The Miracle of America
    The 5000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen...

    TO date the most consistent philosophy aligned with universal principles and in agreement with natural laws that everyone can innately know as self-evident truths... is the libertarian philosophy... The sound reasoning and value-productive consistency of responsible self-governorship libertarianism is the main reason it's gaining acceptance among the general population and has crept into the campaign rhetoric of democrats and republicans. (In spite of being the most ignored or ridiculed philosophy by the current mainstream political and corporate leaders and their media who work diligently to keep their parasitic system in control of eating off the substance generated by true wealth producers.)

    When the principles of libertarianism are overlaid with the teachings of Jesus, and those of most other God-centered religions, they are found to be in complete harmony. Libertarianism has the strong foundation of Universal or People's LAW (a/k/a English or Anglo-Saxon Common Law) that is always in accord with the Laws of Nature and Nature's God... Libertarianism stands strongly against Ruler's Law (a/k/a Roman Civil Law, Feudal or Canon Law) which is whatever the ruling power says their rules are at the moment... Libertarianism in not anarchy, without any law... Rather liberatarians embrace the highest form of "law" innately known by all who practice responsible self-government, which is the highest form of "government"... But if the choice is between tyranny and anarchy, the libertarian will always tend toward being anarcho... accepting that when not pressured to do otherwise, the individual will always make choices that are considered to be in their own best interest; which also naturally works out to be what is best for all concerned... Plus errors made by individual choices always do LESS widespread harm, than errors made by a central power.

    It's said that libertarians are like eagles, who enjoy soaring alone into the challenges of discovery and ascending to the heights to which their wings have the potentials to fly... Although eagles NEVER flock like chickens or turkeys, yet when it's determined to be in their benefit, eagles will gather together in unity.

    To date the most comprehensive PLAN for attracting HIGH SOARING INDEPENDENT EAGLES to cooperatively gather their broad-spectrum of skills and private enterprises, so as to manifest teamwork UNITY of ACTIONS required to peacefully SAVE and RE-MANIFEST America's Success Formula, was designed by Walter Myers who founded the Constitutionists' Networking Center ... The text of the plan is contained in his book To Tame A Tyrant (available via the CNC website).

    It seems wise to align all the various LIBERTY -- PATRIOT -- movements around accomplishing the organizational aspects of this plan... EVERYBODY WINS from doing so... Hopefully the American Dream Manifesters' Educare Cooperatives and this Liberty Zone website can be of service in accomplishing our COMMON PURPOSE of True Liberty, by using our personal GOALS and doing the TASKS required to manifest the American Dream and America's Success Formula...

    It might be wise to point out at this time... that True Liberty requires PUTTING ASIDE ALL CONFLICT CAUSING beliefs and doctrines... The purpose and goal is to PEACEFULLY CO-EXIST, which is accomplished by each having individual freedom to privately embrace their beliefs WITHOUT doing harm to others in the process! .... In the work of True Liberty, we can not afford to be divided over personal preferences or perspectives... True Liberty is THE mysteriously invisible UNIFYING factor within Consciousness.

    Other SAFE GUIDES to consult with on the course of TRUE LIBERTY which requires empowering wise self-government includes...

    A Course in Political Miracles
    The Miracle of America
    by Dr. Cleon Skousen...

    The Miracle of America is the BEST historical series about the various factors involved in creating of the CONSTITUTION of the united States of America... This knowledge NEEDS to known by every person on the planet. The "Miracle of America" series by Dr. Cleon Skousen needs to be in every home on the planet for continual review! ...

    WHY support the Libertarian Party instead of any other? ...

    BECAUSE... For the past 25 years... The most active and consistently reliable Defenders of Liberty are members of the Libertarian Party... The purpose of the LP is to recruit and elect quality candidates for all levels of external government who are dedicated to the universal principles that generate America's Success Formula. The LP campaigns have caused many in the other political parities to adopt a more libertarian philosophy to appease their members... This is progress to hold onto to some freedom...BUT the fact remains the underlying philosophy of slavery forms the core beliefs of the other major parties.

    The Libertarian candidate for the year 2000 Presidential election was Harry Browne author of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World... In his plan to SAVE, RESTORE & PROTECT America's Success Formula he clearly reveals that GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK ...whereas.... TRUE LIBERTY WORKS!!!!

    IF every PATRIOT focused on sincerely understanding the MANY MANY BENEFITS that EACH of us will receive by getting this very wise libertarian into the presidency, we WILL have our glorious Constitutional REPUBLIC reclaimed in a matter of days afterwards followed by the private enterprise blessings of wealth in all its value-productive forms... FEAR of self-governorship and unwillingness to give-up parasitic power are all that blocks this understanding...

    IF Y2K would have shut down government, the fall-out blessings would have been many... the most important is that individuals would manufacture their own survival necessities... and in the process re-discover that even luxuries can once again flow forth from our own personal industriousness. ... We NEED a JUBILEE ... forgive ALL debts... obsolete ALL legislation... begin from scratch and apply the Creation Power Wisdom we've gained to create Paradise On Earth!!!!!! .... A form of Jubliee WILL occur with the announcement and implementation of the U.S. Law passed "Constitutionally" in secret by Congress in March of 2002, approved by Congress on September 9, 2001, and again passed in November, 2001, commonly referred to as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act)...

    This law will provide the following benefits:

    • 1) Abolishment of the IRS and income taxes;

    • 2) Establishment of the U.S. Treasury Bank System, with new currency backed by precious metals, and absorption of the Federal Reserve System in to the U.S. Treasury Department;

    • 3) Restoration of Constitutional Law;

    • 4) Bank debt forgiveness of credit card debts and debt relief to American citizens of bank mortgage and other debts;

    • 5) Removal of the current government administration and new elections to provide a clean slate on which to base our country's future;

    • 6) New prosperity options for American citizens;

    • 7) Expansion of these benefits to other countries around the world;

    • 8) and many more direct and indirect benefits.

    HAVE you signed the Petition to Announce NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act)????


    BEGIN NOW getting free from GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY by personally and in family units, learning about and using FREEDOM TECHNOLOGY to produce USEFUL agricultural and other survival products!!! - It's actually lots of FUN and a great family bonding experience to work on VICTORY and SURVIVAL PROJECTS!!

    There is a sense of true liberty empowerment when a person KNOWS they can SURVIVE without government, or anybody else... With this level of inner trust, then a person ascends to the spiritualized level of PREFERRING to work in teamwork unity to achieve a common purpose or goal... Presentations by Advocates For Self-Government are helpful for comprehending libertarianism and for building self-confidence.

    CONNECT WITH OTHERS working to SAVE and APPLY America's TRUE Liberty Success Formula...

    When you locate valuable sites not linked within this Liberty Zone... PLEASE let us know so we can include them... Thanks for your help...

    You're invited to follow the links and partake of the bountiful rewards...

    Remember this site is under construction!

    The Liberty Zone Cafe can be your connection place too.

    You are welcome to join briefings to share ideas, suggestions,
    links, and information that you would like this site to contain.

    LINK http://www.libertyzone.com into YOUR Site and request we link to you...