Global Democratic Compound Republic system emerges,
and true capitalism ((private enterprise) is emancipated
MOST REWARDING Profession...
that easily integrates with any lifestyle


Whole-Life Educare
via the Internet and in person...
(a/k/a Mentoring HOW To Successfully Live In Freedom)

FREE "career" learning faciliation and certification for individuals participating in IDEAL Educare Portfolio Of Cooperative Programs...

Have you been eagerly waiting for just this affordable and profitable opportunity to help YOURSELF and OTHERS REPAIR the often unconscious damage done by compulsory "indoctrination" in mediocrity acceptance... and PREVENT any damage in your loved ones?... THEN waste no more time or energy... let's get started immediately ... Send E-mail to with SEND EDUCARE DATA in Subject Line...

Although freedom is an innate desire, most humans have been prevented from developing the skills required to thrive in freedom.

Whole-Life Educare is a mastermind, synergy and mentoring system, where each individual's knowledge and projects integrate into a whole synergistic picture... Appropriate Educare draws forth the Genius Within and naturally leads into manifesting Whole-Life IDEAL Educare Co-operatives...

The first "task" is to know about creating an IDEAL Portfolio... The Ideal Portfolio contains Essential Wisdom and Actions to make Appropriate Educare EASY to LEARN and DO, both for the self and others... The emerging NEW Civilization is a Mutual Admiration Society... A win-win-win world... YOU WIN. I WIN. WE WIN....As a result we shall enjoy the synergy of Infinite Wealth - A New World of Collaboration and Abundance in the Knowledge Era

The next "task" is a DAILY as you pass by natural process of doing what is required in the moment to INFORM others about what is available to help develop our innate potentials and manifest our personal dreams... The SAMPLE Portfolio offered at the online IDEAL Academy makes doing this "task" VERY EASY and lots of FUN...

From doing this process, there are HUGE INCREASES in all forms of wealth, manifested by looking out for a person's own self interests, while at the same empowering and helping others to fulfill their own self interests... In this private enterprise cooperative environment, individual's heirarchy of needs are satisfied, PLUS a natural alignment occurs among the various "interests" whereby we easily step from a win-lose hell into a win-win heaven. (For more details, read the book Infinite Wealth by Barry Carter.)

Whole-Life Educare
is essential to have
for our self and others IF...
the desired result is to
manifest all forms of wealth...

What forms of wealth do you desire?
Healthy Longevity?...
Nutritious Food
Clean Water?...
Safe Environment?...
Secure Shelter?...
Loving Relationships?...
Meaningful Work?...
Fun Recreation?...
Choice-making Freedom?...
Social Harmony? ...
Economic Stability?...
Whole-Life Unity? ...

Make your List
join with IDEAL Academy
to learn about and share using
Whole-Life Educare that provides
The POWER and TOOLS to
align with and manifest desires on your list!!!!

Whole-Life Educare POWER and TOOLS
are essential to....
access Authentic Self,
identify innate genius & talents,
align with what will develop innate potentials,
gain ever-expanding knowledge & wisdom,
develop highly refined skills,
create a desirable lifestyle,
manifest ever-improving life-expressions & conditions!!!

Ww must inspire and prepare individuals to "think" and "learn"... Ordinary "education" can provide only the basic tools to manifest a fraction of our desired state of being... Experiences of living usually reveal in our senior years that few of us were inspired or prepared to think and learn how to manifest gloriously enhanced states of JOY... What sadness to realize the wasted years and the massive amounts of suffering caused by lack of Thinking and Educare Excellence in our youth!!!... Educare Excellence prepares individuals with the tools, and then offers strategies, required for learning about, and then revealing to others, HOW to GO BEYOND the ordinary plateau to the glorious extra-ordinary plateau, so as to easily be Capital Wise and HAVE...

The IDEAL Dream!!!

Happy, Healthy Longevity!!!

Financial Prosperity and Security!!!

Develop the Genius from within!!!

Academic Excellence & Skills Development !!! ...

Whole-Life Educare can inspire ascending to such excellence as to even manifest Divine Perfection & Eternal Life.

You'll know it works, when you try it...

Wise models and mentors all say:
The key to success is:
Find a "felt need", then "satisfy" it!...

The greatest area of NEED on the planet is: Inspiring individuals onto a path that connects with, and develops, their innate Authentic Self and genius-making potentials... From this connection with our "Authentic Self" and "genius within", manifests each person's unique divine purpose for living (our mission)... The leading project to accomplish this goal is an IDEAL Academy, a Solutions Unlimited Whole-Life Wealth Generating System.

This GENIUS-WITHIN CONNECTION seems to happen most naturally among individuals blessed with parents who made the loving choices to personally fund and direct their children's education in ways that inspire the child to BE a Self-Directed Learner eagerly seeking ever-more knowledge, making ever-greater inventions, and creating ever-better conditions in which to live...

This "genius-within connection" identifies our personal FELT NEEDS and identifies with OTHER's Felt Needs... From this "inner guidance", we then seek to identify our innate talents to develop into skills for satisfying these needs in ways that manifest producing more than is consumed...

Producing MORE than is consumed forms the foundation of Private Enterprise and generates Perpetual Prosperity .

This "genius-within connection" manifests the desire of value-productive cooperation with others, and avoidance of destructive competition... Drs. Julian Jaynes and Abraham Maslow's Research, (which every college age individual should have already been exposed to) provides insight to begin the broad-spectrum talent uncovering and genius identifying process... They and others validate that Appropriate Whole-Life Educare (MENTORING - COACHING) works where the gems of genius reside, and is the core cause for consistent Success Engineering and being an IDEAL Dream Manifester!

Success Engineering occurs from accessing this level of pure divinity within on a constant basis... Many terms have been attached to this aspect of the self... I AM that I AM... God Within... Inner Still Small Voice... Holy Spirit... Thought Adjuster... Authentic Self... Zon Power ... and many others "names"... all aligned with the concept of being a "Quest for Perfection or God", not in a "religions" sense; rather in the "understanding and being one with the universe" sense.

The term "American" refers to a unique mentality, attitude, and action methodology that is whole-life (universally) inclusive... American is IDEAL... Use of the open-system American Methodology (IDEAL Methodology) moves human beings AWAY FROM operating at the level of closed-system beliefs where tasks and goals are dictated by a chosen prophet, TOWARD connecting with each person's divine revelator, our genius within, and our unique purpose... which in the means and end always prove to be value-productive for self and all others...

Of the current other "labels" being used... Jesusonian Christology, Taoistic Therapy, Montessori, and Waldorf Methods, School Of Thinking, come the closest of already "known" processes to describing the wise parenting "educare" methods that shape OR reshape attitudes and conditions toward choosing "growth" rather than "stagnation or regression"... Educare begins with being prepared to think and learn by selecting appropriate HOW TO THINK and LEARN methods for the specific project to be thought about and learned about, BEFORE undertaking any learning acquistion... Discovering what the tools of the specific trade "are", and HOW to properly use the tools, must be the artisan's first "goals"... Using the Tao principles is an UNCOVERING discovery experience, rather than indoctrination... What emerges from the flexible but focused inquiry seeking process are discovery and connection with an individual's own nature, tendencies, identity, tastes, species values, idiosyncratic values, vocation, along with the self-disciplines required to delay "now-focused gratifications" to prepare for more desired future gratifications...

In Educare Excellence the mature model and mentor gently guides the less experienced toward being "wise choosers"; so as to cope effectively with challenges, discipline, restraint, delay, frustrations, et cetera, that are part of the growth process, and reaching the higher plateau possible in a technologically advanced society...

Remember: children NOT YET ABLE to abstract "think", can function in a complex society only IF abstract-learned adults are available to abstract FOR the child in such a way AS to create a bridge connecting the concrete-known aspect of reality to the as yet not perceived (imagined) or experienced... This wise educare mentoring also is necessary for imagination construction... Bridge building skills need to be developed so that what is imagined internally can possibly be created externally...

It requires time and effort:

These are SKILLS NOT READILY being developed in our cultures... This is a HUGE NEED we can fulfill!!!!

Dr. Abraham H. Maslow in his 1964 book - Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences observed some aspects that should be helpful in comprehending the HUGE NEED for Educare Excellence that FOCUS ON potential growth in values that ascend toward self-actualization and actual wise use of our abilities... We must avoid coasting on past accomplishments that have become "good enough to get by with" laurels... We must avoid regression out of fear, hostility or laziness... Ascending toward the higher plateau COST us NOTHING MORE than the cost of being on the lower plateau, BUT GAINS us HUGE BENEFITS far beyond what can even be imagined on the low plateau!!!!

The empirical fact is that self-actualizing people, our best experiencers, are also our most compassionate, our great improvers and reformers of society, our most effective fighters against injustice, inequality, slavery, cruelty, exploitation (and our best fighters for excellence, effectiveness, competence). And it also becomes clearer and clearer that the best "helpers" are the most fully human persons. What I may call the bodhisattvic path is an integration of self-improvement and social zeal, i.e., the best way to become a better "helper" is to become a better person. But one necessary aspect of becoming a better person is via helping other people. So one must do both simultaneously.... normative zeal is not incompatible with scientific objectivity, but can be integrated with it, eventuating in a higher form of objectivity, i.e., the Taoistic.

As a matter of fact, I can say much more firmly than I have ever did, for many empirical reasons, that basic human needs can be fulfilled only by and through other human beings, i.e., society. The need for community (belongingness, contact, groupiness) is itself a basic need. Loneliness, isolation, ostracism, rejection by the group -- these are not only painful but pathogenic as well. And of course it has also been known for decades that humanness and specieshood in the infant are only a potentiality and must be actualized by the society.

My study of the failure of most Utopian efforts has taught me to ask the basic questions themselves in a more practicable and researchable way.

"How good a society does human nature permit?"
"How good a human nature does society permit?"

... taking up residence on the high plateau of Unitive consciousness ...
tends to be a lifelong effort...
time, work, discipline, study, committment....
the high plateau, where one can stay "turned on".

Regression and defense, living at the safety level, is a way of giving up many of these "higher" defining characteristics for the sake of sheer survival ...which make lower-need gratifications possible only at the cost of giving up higher-need gratifications.

Educare Excellence takes a person to what could be termed as Whole-Life Unitive Consciousness and keeps the whole-self on the ever-ascending high plateau... With dedicated consistent referral marketing of Educare Projects, and networking with caring individuals and need-fulfilling groups, eventually all society will ascend accross the bridges to live in this high plateau.

Rather than beginning from "scratch", wisdom suggests seeking out and networking with projects now on, or clearly ascending toward, this high plateau... This critera is used for projects being selected to include in the Basic Educare Portfolio...

Experience proves the process of identifying a person's "divine purpose" that leads to self-actualizing self, begins with a Solutions Unlimited Mentality... A QUEST for freedom from all forms of tyranny, AND freedom to have all forms of wealth... Creating an environment in which individuals grow attitudes and skills required for Manifesting American Genius Into Consensus Reality... These can occur most readily via DOING Projects in these American Dream Manifesters' Educare Action Phases...

The core component of the American System (IDEAL System) is using educare methods (a/k/a whole-life education and empathic care) that activates the innate genius from within a person... EVERYBODY has within their being the gems of genius waiting to be recognized and treasured enough to be harvested and polished to perfection... Jesus said to those awe struck by miracles he manifested: "What I do, you can do also."... with the rest of his life revealing the HOW TOs methodology... which condense down to... "WHEN you know what I know about accessing and wisely using Creation Power" you too can "give life and give it more abundantly"...

From Jesus' Mission to give life and give it more abundantly, all His activities flowed.

What a clearly focused and powerful Mentoring Mission Statement!!!!

In human cultures, the greatest MISSING NEEDS are accurate education and appropriate tools for the tasks to be done, that accomplish genius identifying and purpose manifesting aspects of Creation Power... These are what inspire the passionate purposeful art of living... (instead defaulting into the art of decay and dying)... Our actions flow from our mission; which unfortunately in our current cultures most often are "missions" assigned to us by others to accomplish THEIR mission... Missons are that which ignites the WILL to survive against any challenge, and MOTIVATES doing what's required to prosper beyond the most grand imaginations... WHEN enough of the population is living aligned with OUR personal life's purpose and living within value-productive open-system paradigms respecting all others on their unique quests, THEN paradisical IDEAL conditions are created...

Of the few great open-system teachers this planet has been blessed with, there is no doubt that Jesus was the greatest Liberty Crusader... Accounts about Jesus in the Bible reveal the first component is ascending to FREEDOM FROM whatever form of "tyranny" is blocking creation power... The road of freedom is lined with DEAD PATRIOTS who don't lie about the HIGH COST of NOT being vigilant in PREVENTING tryanny from gaining strong holds... This is WHY Jesus observed: "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Light, no person ascends to the Father except as I have shown..." (To pursue Jesusonian methods indepth, it's suggested to consult writings by Laurie Beth Jones and read the Urantia Papers... )

By various open-system methods, Jesus revealed that each individual has an inner compass... Charles Haanel in "The Master Key System" reveals that we FEEL this inner compass guidance in our Solar Plexus -- those "gut feelings" that tells a person if our thoughts and actions are heading in direction that is Life or Death Empowering... Some term this Inner Compass as: God or Divinity, or Christ Self Within or Selfish Gene = species survival DNA Coding)... Whatever a person is comfortable with "naming" it, this compass always points toward doing that which keeps a person on their IDEAL Mission pursuing an Eternal-Life Perfection-Attaining Ascension Career... Even though most "belief systems" are closed systems, they do reveal some awarenesss of this purposeful life-sustaining guidance from within... Some promote connecting "conscience" and "consciousness"; while others actively repress inner guidance, using creeds and doctrines to block sound reasoning and dictate preset behavior control...

Scientists have proven the universe is a Cause and Effect Dynamic Open System, wherein the actions of EACH energy particle, affect and effect the conditions of the ALL... WHEN what each individual particle does, aligns with their true purpose for living, THEN the whole universe is eternally life-manifesting balanced... It seems that by being sensitive to identifying and satisfying "felt needs" is nature's Purpose Alignment Process.... Perfect alignment with divine purpose can manifest only value productivity (love, wisdom, excellence) through thoughts and actions.

The process of identifying a person's "divine purpose" begins with a Solutions Unlimited LIBERTY CRUSADE... Creating a PERSONAL LibertyZone with a Quest for freedom from all forms of tyranny and freedom to have all forms of wealth...

Seeking HOW to identify "felt needs" and their "satisfying agents" keeps a person aligned with their purpose for living and unique life-sustaining passions; along with discovery of the success engineering consciousness to shape energy and matter accordingly... Unfortunately, most schooling and jobs in today's culture are completely out of alignment with the "success compass and factors"...

One method to define "Success" is that which manifests meaningfully satisfying energizing HAPPINESS... Thus "Happiness" is defined by each individual... Happiness is always energy recycling (perpetual conversion of the life-renewal stuff in reality) which is what maintains the universe.

Using IDEAL Whole-Life Projects, it's easy to...
Learn HOW to copy survival genius
(Why reinvent the wheel from scratch?)
Learn HOW to manifest unique genius from within...
Stop copying & creating mediocrity or poverty!!!

USE and THEN inspire others to use:

  • Solutions Unlimited Portfolio,
  • Success Engineering,
  • IDEAL Whole-Life Educare Process!!!

REMEMBER: What a person does NOT know can indeed be devastating to their life and health...

As we go about our daily activities, each of us can do our part in the enlightening educare process!!! ...

PLUS... IF you've ever dreamed of leaving the "rat race" working for someone else building THEIR dream... You'll be delighted to discover how easy it is to invest LESS time, LESS energy and LESS resources into manifesting your OWN PERSONAL PURPOSE (dream, passion, mission)...

Being aligned with whatever you're passionate about,
will produce having MUCH MORE leisure time,
MORE renewal energy, and
MORE spendable resources to enjoy...

This art of living purpose and passion can be identified and achieved by using whole-life balancing projects within the Solutions Unlimited and IDEAL Educare System and Projects...

The IDEAL Educare System includes Instruction about...

How to easily DO
REALITY-BASED self-directed education
that manifests WHOLE-LIFE BALANCE!!!

How to have healthy happy longevity!!!

How to efficiently USE
Computer Assisted Multi-Media Education

Life-long learning is required for survival
in a high-tech high-touch civilization!!!

Being in a perpetual learning mode manifests
the methods of HOW to be an INVENTER of values...
some never before manifested on this planet...
while also enjoying inventions others have manifested !!!...

Experience a FREE sample of what is currently available in the web-version of Smart Media Desktop..
Enjoy "My University" in "Super Content" tab drop-down menue.

Only recently has the topic of BALANCED "whole-living", or happy healthy longevity, been a conscious consideration among enough people to warrant a "profession" known as Whole-Life Educare... As any wise entrepreneur knows... The most emotionally satisfying rewards, and financial profits, go to those who GET ON providing THE market demand WAVE early.

Expanded visions are going beyond this paradigm of responding to short-lived waves and continually waiting for NEW waves to form, to a NEW PARADIGM of manifesting life-long teamwork relationships aligned with ETERNAL LIFE Potentials that includes releasing the Genius Within each person...

NOW the wise entrepreneur realizes that LASTING success manifests from KEEPING the WAVE GOING by learning extended family-building relationship skills of value-productive compassionate Networking & Consulting so as to inspire others to get onto the WAVE and enjoy the thrills of achievment and usefulness that prevents the "rise and fall" of civilization's waves...

Humankind is finally arriving at understanding the KEY to opening the door to healthy happy longevity is the NEED for FELT USEFULNESS... From conception onward... The CAUSE of so much childhood "trouble-making" is BOREDOM from NOT having a sense of purposeful usefulness... This "need" is most widely satisfied by living our dream (mission or purpose in life) which will always involve producing BOTH what YOU AND OTHERS "need" and "want"... Being involved with whole-life reality... This realization has opened access to generating passionate desire to develop innate potentials to fulfull this usefulness need (purpose for living)... BUT the TOOLS to develop the manifesting skills to bring innate potentials into exchangeable format has yet to reach most individuals... NOW the required TOOLS manifest...

Via IDEAL Educare Projects,
which includes teaching how to do...
Whole-Life Thinking and Acting
Educare Consulting
Educare Networking
Educare Products & Services


FREE "career" learning faciliation and certification for individuals participating in IDEAL Educare Portfolio Of Cooperative Programs...

Have you been eagerly waiting for just this affordable and profitable opportunity to help YOURSELF and OTHERS REPAIR the often unconscious damage done by compulsory "indoctrination" in mediocrity acceptance... and PREVENT any damage in your loved ones?... THEN waste no more time or energy... let's get started immediately ... Send E-mail to with SEND EDUCARE DATA in Subject Line...

When the facts are known, most Educare Consultants want to begin by focusing on children's education and health.... This is especially the case when you're aware of information such as reported in the ANTI-phonics conspiracy article by Phyllis Schlafly August 18, 1999 .... or by John Taylor Gatto in his book 'Dumbing Us Down or on his audio cassette "A Short, Angry History of Modern Schooling and How It Stimulates Mindless Consumerism".... or by Win Winger in his book Getting At Your Own Einstein Factor and in Win's Monthly Column called Winsights...

Whether this whole-learning whole-health arena is where you decide to begin, or whether you select other areas in the Solutions Unlimited Portfolio... Doing the Projects, many win-win-win opportunities are manifested... Earn $$$$$$ while using and presenting the best educare goods & services!!! .... What joy having and providing what every person needs and wants!!!!

The Solutions Unlimited and its Educare Portfolio provides SOLUTION INCENTIVES!!!

The Solutions Unlmited Portfolio removes EXCUSES that block improvements!!!

This most popular Whole-Learning Whole-Health Category within American Dream Manifesters' Educare Projects, works perfectly in ANY form of "learning" environment, including public or private classroom schools, home schools or non-schooling...

The FIRST ACTIONS are.... (1) Join the Solutions Unlimited Team .... (2) Be users and distributors for services and products available in the Portfolio... The start-up cost is very affordable and the REWARDS are HUGE!!! ... To join us in this Solutions Unlimited Project, Send E-mail to ... IN Subject line type I join Solutions Network...

As it is quickly discovered WE endorse COOPERATION with others who are like-minded and have projects already created and proving successful... Competition among colleagues is usually counter-productive and often value-destructive... The success of cooperation is attested to by the PROTECTIONIST CARTELS around the planet who get together and assign "areas" to work within and agree to not duplicate this area in their activities... the various POLITICAL "agencies" like the BANKS in the IMF and IRS... in the CORPORATE arena like the OIL COMPANIES, Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries...

Even though there is widespread abuse of the power of cooperatives... To speed up a person's rate of success, it's wise to creatively imitate strategies and tactics that help others succeed... This saves on resources, and also helps avoid wasting time and money with trial-and-error experimentations, when the solution has already been invented.

DOUBT that you're needed in the "educare process"???

DOUBT you could make any improvements???

Then please read carefully read the article link here by Phyllis Schlafly about the Conspiracy of Phonics... and some of Win Winger's Winsights... and Jennifer's information on Un-schooling....

IF you care about literacy...
IF you want children and adults to have the best learning tools...
IF you enjoy inspiring others to improve their lifestyle...
Multi-Media Educare Consulting &
Networking is the perfect profession for you!!!

As a result of the educare programs you offer, you will make MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS in your lifestyle, the lifestyle of your clients, and in general social conditions on the planet!

Is Your Job Making REAL IMPROVEMENTS &s; producing VALUES In The World?

Take the Self-Check Test:

  • Am I truly satisfied with my Job?
  • Am I joyously happy with my lifestyle?
  • Is my income providing enough money to have and enjoy the lifestyle I deserve?
  • Am I satisfied with the education I received and children are now receiving?
  • Do I know what to do to ensure that everyone has access to the best possible education and freedom to fully develop their potentials?
  • WHAT DOES "success" mean to me? ... Is what I am NOW doing providing this success?

Would you be interested in knowing how to solve the education crisis and earn $$$$$$ doing it?

Did you know that whatever your age is, and whatever education you currently have, you can build a very profitable business as a Mentor? ...

Did you know the Educare Programs in the Portfolio, network together to create streams of $$$$$$ producing a continual, long-term residual income to keep your money reservoir full?

Would you like to EARN $$$$$$ while you LEARN the skills without giving up your present job security? ...

Did you know that everybody you now work with or socialize with, desires the programs you will be able to offer as an Mentoring Educare Consultant?

Would you spend time with us for a no-obligation discussion about a part-time or full-time opportunity as part of our success engineering Mentor?

READ the following presentation...

Review this Learning Zone and the links...

Then send E-mail with your questions and indication of how you'd like to proceed with participation... This clearly is...

A Truly Unique & Value-Productive Opportunity

As we move into a NEW ERA in how education is delivered and acquired, there is need for guidance within the approach, and use of, this NEW Technology...

In review of this NEW natural METHOD of Learning....

Internet users will grasp how easy it is to convert their already hobby passion for computers and the Internet into a profitable fun profession !!

Individuals will quickly see the many benefits of having information at their finger tips, ready to deliver the knowledge required for the task at hand !!

Parents will be delighted to know their children are receiving the best possible qulaity education, and completely enjoying the experience !!

Teachers will be relieved that FINALLY they can provide the quality of education they dreamed about doing during their teacher's training !!

As we journey together in exploring the exciting improvements in education, let's do as is wise to do when venturing into ALL new territory... The wise approach is to apply success engineering techniques to ensure the best possible outcome... That is what has been done in coordinating the learning programs within the Educatre Portfolio... THE long, difficult, and expensive research and development process has ALREADY BEEN DONE.... now all you have to do is JOIN the Little Red Hen and enjoy the delightful feast!!!

It's clear that Computer-Assisted and Internet InterActive Education Programs offering accurate up-to-date information for all areas of our life-expressions have many positive improvement potentials... BUT experience proves that to gain the many potential benefits, requires understanding this dynamic organism we're dealing with... To accomplish this REQUIRES either personally learning in the time-consuming difficult school of "hard-knocks", OR connecting with the creators and already successful users of this technology so as to quickly and easily learn directly from their "already been there and done that" experiences...

AS with all "business" ventures, it's wise to connect with people MORE successful than each of us personally are at the moment... This is the LEVERAGING POWER of MENTORS and TOUR GUIDES...

Fortunately, the programs within the Educare Portfolio offer these valuable advantages in developing a profitable educare consulting career...

THE NEED for A NEW Whole-life and/or Multi-media Consulting PROFESSION, within the field of "MENTORING" has been increasing since March 8, 1948 when the United States Supreme Court ruled that "religious" instructions in public schools were unconstitutional... Thereby "forcing" parents who cared about "morality" to reclaim the responsibilities of educating their children; usually in private schools in their home, church, temple or neighborhoods...

When others saw the MANY BENEFITS children and parents were receiving in the first waves of "religious zealots" who immediately removed their children from the government-school arena; the following waves in the home-school movement spread into families withdrawing from institutional schooling for other than religious reasons... It is clear personalized educare is beneficial for EVERYBODY... WHEN the benefits are known, then EVERY FAMILY desires this personalized education for their children, and for their own continued life-time of learning...

Spreading this knowledge about potential benefits, and offering easy access to the educational materials is ALL an Educare Consultant really has to do !!!

Those who have sucked up the responsibilities of personalized educare had to BEGIN from scratch to design and obtain the teaching materials and supplies... This was difficult, mainly because the education materials were designed and PRICED for INSTITUTIONS with DEEP pockets of tax-funded $$$$$$$$$$$... Curriculum and Publishing Companies didn't want to be bothered with single order of books, software, etc.

SOOOO, the dedicated did whatever was necessary to stay the course... It's only at the end of this century, that the MARKET POTENTIAL is being sufficiently recognized... NOW the free-market is gearing up to supply this NEW fast growing CLIENT BASE... NOW the PROFIT has made US worth being "served".... NOW there are new businesses emerging to satisfy the new hungry INFORMATION consumers...

Also "teacher and public acceptance" is expanding for personalized education (previously known as "home-schooling")... This has been enhanced in part to the work done since the Congress and President Bush declared 1990-1999 as the DECADE of the BRAIN...

In the almost 3 decades I've been involved with research in this area, there has been a slow RE-positioning of paradigms away from government-directed schooling back toward the private enterprise REALITY-BASED self-directed education that manifests WHOLE-LIFE BALANCE!!!... The current generation had forgotten, or were never aware, that THIS market driven personlized education METHOD made America the shining light of educational excellence... America's founders created "schools of HIGHER LEARNING"... It was expected the individual would do what was necessary to obtain the academic and cultural basics required for admittance... Grade and High Schools are realizing they were NOT designed to provide this empowering desire for quality!!! ... And that to do so will take MANY YEARS and Billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to re-invent and retro-fit the facilities and upgrade teaching skills... Whereas, parents can provide top quality computer-assisted multi-media educare programs for very little cost, and with very little training, right in their own homes and neighborhoods, by enrolling in Mentoring Programs

As pointed out in the article on Educare Excellence... "schools have been teaching as if ALL students are LEARNING DISABLED, THUS retarding the progress of everybody".

The first aspects to work on accomplishing is getting EVERY home connected to the Computer Era and the Internet, PLUS understanding what educational software is available... These are accomplished by the participating with the primary projects of...

Solutions Unlimited

Magic Learning Systems.... review PRODUCT Section at - - Gift that last a LifeTime!!!

To help you easily, quickly, & affordably
develop a profitable Educare Consulting Profession...
the Educare Portfolio
includes the following business support &
Multi-Media Educational Programs....

These link presents the best variety of top-quality interactive software for pre-school through college, and beyond.... For lifetime of joyful learning !!!

The Miracle of America and The 5000 Year Leap by Dr. Cleon Skousen provide a comprehensive presentations about America's Success Formula and the amazingly valuable results from using this unique reality-based SELF-EDUCARE and SELF-GOVERNMENT system... These are part of courses in the Freedom Tape Club... Dr. Skousen's audio cassettes and fill-in the blank work-book present essential survival, peace and prosperity knowledge that SHOULD BE taught in all schools, but is NOT... The personal workbook becomes a PRIZED TREASURE... Our family cherishes the 1981 copy we did together in our home school!!

The most effective method for BREAKING FREE from the chains of MENTAL BONDAGE that blocks learning, is do the daily lessons in the FREE - A Course in Political Miracles ... Discover the delights of thinking outside the box of mediocrity...

"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself,
but talent instantly recognizes genius."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Expand your personal Success Engineering Cube ...
Aspire for Educare Excellence! ...

These programs are a MUST HAVE for every home, and for every Professional Mentors Portfolio!!! (EVERY PARENT is a MENTOR and EDUCARE CONSULTANT; because a parent is charged, by their innate parenting responsibilities and covenant, to provide their children with the best quality care and education, so as to maximize their long-term survival and value-productivity potentials.)

The realm of Multi-Media Educare Mentoring and Consulting offers you the unique opportunity to create a lucrative career, by helping us fulfill our mission: Improving Conditions One Individual and One Family At A Time... You work with individuals and families in locating and selecting what's appropriate for their learning needs and styles... You can also teach others to do the same; and thus build a team of success engineers from which you are reward for helping them become success engineers, too... People Helping People succeed at manifesting the American Dream!!

BY Mentoring and Educare Consultants and Networkers forming a MASTER MIND Team, we can easly and quickly manifest what other wise would be impossible...

Napoleon Hill, in his historical classic Think And Grow Rich, describes the Master Mind principle and concepts to describe a universally accepted principle. He explains Master Mind Team is a vitally important idea for success and for money accumulation. Master Mind Team refers to a group of persons organized for a common goal and following a mutually agreed-upon plan for achieving an end which ALL TRULY DESIRE.

The idea behind the Master Mind concept is certainly not new. For instance, in the Bible, Jesus refers to it when he states: "Where two or more of you are agreed as touching any thing, it shall happen unto you." Other places in the New Testament refer to "unity" and "cooperation" and other similar concepts. All of these are Napoleon Hill's Master Mind principle.

When a networking system forms around a sincerely held true desire, it automatically becomes a Master Mind group! American Dream Manifesters' Educare Team is the perfect Master Mind group!

Are you acquainted with the MAGIC of Thinking Big?!? .... Well, here's your chance to try to think BIG!!!...

Picture a "perfect world" and feel the inner satisfaction and joy that flows from being part of manifesting this dream... while also owning your own home-based business, determining your own hours, setting your own pace... Imagine being in control of your own lifestyle... Have you dreamed of owning a business that requires no inventory, no payroll, and minimal accounting... and WHERE....

Others Do The Hard Part???

That dream can easily come true... Because in Educational Consulting, the companies you represent provide the product lines and sales aids.... produce and store the inventory... package your orders and ship to your customers... They take care of the payroll for yourself and those you recruit as part of your Educational Consulting Team... They do the tedious accounting to appease government bureaucrats.

You Do The Rewarding Part

You will be free to concentrate on building and training your team of Consultants and working personally with individuals and families to design programs to help them succeed. Those with a desire to succeed and a willingness to put forth the effort will build organizations of several hundred Educare Consultants in a relatively short period of time. You will build an organization dedicated to helping individuals and families improve in various areas of their lives and realize their great potential. It's fun. It's rewarding. And it can be very lucrative.

Now Is The Time

Make the decision that could set you free. Make this the first day of an exciting, rewarding future!

I'm ready to be part of this rewarding profession... What's DO I DO Now?

Your first step is to register as a Educare Consultant... send E-MAIL for details... Then select the companies within the Educare Portfolio that you want to align with... Some give you the immediate benefit of buying at a discount, so you save money on your personal purchases, and have a stream of $$$$$ and emotional satisfation profits when others purchase products from you at suggested retail prices.

Experience proves that when people see the valuable results and benefits of using the products, they begin to share them with other people they know... thus also become Education Consultants... Bonuses and over-ride commission reward sponsoring and training new Multi-Media Education Consultants, therby making it worth-while to grow a team to help with the work of accomplishing the purpose, goals and tasks.

When investigating any potential part-time or full-time career opportunity, wisdom suggests obtaining information and advice from someone who is successfully doing what you're interested in doing.... so please contact us and we'll put you in touch with others who can help you also manifest success in this very rewarding profession...

You're invited to follow the links and partake of the bountiful rewards...

Remember this site is under construction!

The Liberty Zone Cafe can be your connection place too.

You are welcome to e-mail ideas, suggestions,
links, and information that you would like this site to contain.