
Protein is a group of highly complex organic compounds found in all living cells. Protein is the most abundant class of all biological molecules, comprising about 50% of cellular dry weight. Proteins are classified by their biological function.

Proteins include...

Structurally, proteins are large molecules composed of one or more chains of varying amounts of the same 22 AMINO ACIDS, which are linked by peptide bonds. Each protein is characterized by a unique and invariant amino acid sequence. Protein chains can contain hundreds of amino acids; some proteins also incorporate phosphorus or metals such as iron, zinc, and copper... An amino acid sequence also determines the molecule's three-dimensional structure; this "native state" is required for proper biological function... Information for syntheses of a specific amino acid sequences from free amino acids is carried by the cell's Nucleic Acids.

Dietary protein is food containing the amino acids necessary to construct the proteins described. Complete protein foods contain all the amino acids necessary for human growth and maintenance. Incomplete proteins foods lack sufficient amounts of one or more essential amino acid. Complete food protein are found in meats, eggs, milk, cheeses, and soybeans. Plant sources such as grains, legumes, and nuts contain incomplete protein. Mixing various plant sources, such as beans and rice, can create complementary amino acid combinations to ensure all essential amino acids are obtained.

WARNING: from ---

There are disgusting ingredients hidden behind names like Gelatin, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Gelatin and some 16 other industry names.

Manufacturers see them as a significant protein source as well as a way to “thicken” and bind your foodless foods so they don’t fall apart in your hands. What does fall apart is its nutritional value. Both gelatin and collagen lack an essential amino acid required to make them a complete usable protein. So on their own they’re worthless sources of protein besides being disgusting.

They won’t build or fuel your muscles. They weren’t meant to. Any they can’t. If the bar says 30 grams of protein and it’s made from hydrolyzed collagen or hydrolyzed gelatin, you’re not getting 30 grams of real, usable protein- Period.

Then what are you getting?... Who knows?... They’re not telling.

Even worse: some manufactures list hydrolyzed proteins as an ingredient, but don’t indicate the source of the protein. So you have to ask yourself: if it’s supposed to be food for you, why wouldn’t they tell you where the protein came from? .... Hmmm.

The food and supplement industry should plead guilty to this deception.

Whole food protein from the Whole-Food Farmacy is really real protein. Through and through. No collagen. No gelatin. No hidden hydrolyzed hype. No hooves. No hides. No bones. No skins. No weasels. No bull. Our whole food PLANT protein is exactly what it says it is... 100% Real.


The importance of comsuming sufficient food sources of protein in health care can NOT be over stressed. This is thoroughly covered in the Fat Be Gone MAGIC Zone and topical overview of Super-Foods.




Protein Requirement
per Pound of
Lean Body Mass

Daily Protein
for 150 Pounds
of Lean Mass

to Fulfill
Daily Protein Need


Heavy weight training
twice a day exercise

1.0 grams  

150 grams

9 scoops


Two hours a day,
five times per week

0.9 grams

135 grams

8 scoops


One hour per day,
five times per week

0.8 grams

120 grams

7 scoops


30 minutes per day,
five times per week

0.7 grams

105 grams

6 scoops



0.6 grams

90 grams

5 scoops



0.5 grams

75 grams

4 scoops

Essential Protein - - fast, easy, economical

MotherSoy Corporate Site

MotherSoy Distributor - Darlene Sartore
118 E. Water St.
Princeton IN 47670
Phone#: 812-385-8972

E-mail -

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