Biological Ionization
as discovered by Dr. Carey Reams

Article Compiled by Darlene Sartore for
An Ever Better World Internet Academy

"We don't live off the food that we eat,
We live off The Energy IN the food we eat!!!"

- Dr. Carey Reams, Phd. in Biophysics and Biochenistry
(Re: "Choose Life or Death" by Dr. Reams and Cliff Dudley).

We live from the LIFE in what's consumed....
The body needs raw, living nutrient-dense food!

As a mathematical genius Reams was very familiar with Einstein's energy equation and understood its significance. During his many years of friendship with Albert Einstein he once chided him saying 'you know how to take matter apart but you don't know how to put it back together again.' Einstein immediately shot back that figuring out how to do that was a job for Reams.

According to Dr. Carey Reams, "Ionization is God's laws putting things together and taking them apart ion by ion." Dave Larson, a student of Carey Reams and Dan Skow, put it this way; "Biological Ionization is the study of how energy becomes matter and how matter becomes energy on a continuous basis."

OVERVIEW: The Reams Biological Ionization Theory (RBTI) is a comprehensive system of mathematical principles that allow for a new and complete understanding of how the electrochemical basis of biological life is to ideally develop and function. Therefore, this model also explains the cause of degenerative disease—namely, ionic mineral deficiencies causing electrochemical depletion, distortion, disruption and destruction of the ideal and healthy environment of the basic molecular components and subcomponents of the cells. Additionally, and most importantly, this model provides the exact tool required to address the cause of the electrochemical dysfunctions that are called dis-eases, and reverse them.

In retrospect, Dr. Carey Reams was the first and the only health-care researcher who actually makes sense to me! ... He realized that to BE and DO perfect, we had to first HAVE access to "WHAT PERFECT IS", then working back from the ideal to discover what actions consistenlty get us to the "Perfect _______" we seek (i.e. Perfect Health)!!!.... I will forever regret not having found a way to be with him sufficiently to absorb every bit of his wisdom... To date, I've yet to connect with anybody else who has discovered as much about how the body and universe functions to provide perfect health and optimum longevity... AND provide us with a method we each can do to easily and safely TEST ourselves so we knew on a daily basis, whether what I AM DOING IS MOVING me toward or away from Perfect Health.... IF we understand the principles he discovered and appropriately apply them, we can indeed have happy, healthy longevity.... With sufficient research we each can RE-discover the wisdom Dr. Carey Reams gained during his dual professions as an agricultural consultant and physician which contributed to his understanding of a link between human health and soil health... It's just common sense that if the soil does NOT contain nutirents needed for "health", then what is grown in the soil will not have them either. This is why it is so vital to consume food grown by certified organic farming methods.

Reams Biological Theory of Ionization

Reams' Biological Theory of Ionization. RBTI is a working explanation of the fundamental ionic energy composition and function of biological life. RBTI offers a way to measure the energy in elements, compounds, and biological systems including humans. The loss of energy in humans is the beginning of disease... The purpose of RBTI is to analyze and identify previously unrecognized electro-biochemical dysfunctions, taking place within the human body, thereby allowing the creation of a perfect set of personal life-style recommendations that will address and reverse those unrecognized dysfunctional patterns. RBTI, when correctly applied, offers the highest potential for perfect health. RBTI testing is a non-invasive seven-part test completed on fresh samples of urine and saliva. There are six tests done on the urine sample: total carbohydrate, pH, conductivity, cell debris, nitrate nitrogen & ammonia nitrogen. There is one test done on the saliva sample, which is the pH. It will usually take between 10 to 15 minutes to run the seven tests. Running the tests is not what takes the time. What takes the time and expertise is interpreting the test data correctly, followed with establishing individualized recommendations and providing a detailed explanation to the client. -- For more FAQ go to

Some of what I've basically reconstructed about Carey Reams and Reams Biological Theory of Ionization is as follows... If you have more please share, so it can be posted or linked here...

In response to prayers for a way to save a dying frind's son Dr. Reams said he was guided by God to devised "a mathematical formula for perfect health, based on the biophysical frequencies of living matter."... Through many tribulations, his "equation" has stood the test of time, and helped many thousands recover health and stay healthy.

In a nutshell, using the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) Testing, we can whether what we consume is beneficial or harmful to the cells of our body...

Dr. Carey Reams developed a Urine and Saliva Analysis that can be learned and done by anybody... This human testing system is derived from what is known as the Biological Theory of Ionisation, which is the centrepiece of Dr. Carey Reams soil-health philosophy. He also perfected the use of a series of monitoring tools, which were to become integral components of his system. These tools included the LaMotte soil test, the refractometer, the conductivity meter and the electronic scanner. (Except for the scanner, searching the Internet will reveal sources where these other "tools" can be obtained.)

This Reams BTI Urine/Saliva Test uses pH strips, a sugar refractometer (as used by wine-makers) and salts conductivity meter instruments, to determine energy loss or gained from what is consumed... The urine and saliva screenings help a person determine the CAUSE of energy loss. (We live off energy from the food we eat.)... By monitoring the equation's numbers, it's possible determine which foods and/or supplements that should be added to an individuals diet to fit their exact body chemistry... Dr. Reams offers a common sense approach to nutrition that demonstrates how complex issues (i.e. health and longevity) can be reduced to easily understood, practical concepts and applications.

The Reams BTI Urine/Saliva Test reveals a Person's Body Chemistry...

Perfect Health Equation target numbers are:

This test yields information to analyze mathematically the Body's Chemistry and provides guidance for getting the Body Chemistry BALANCED.... Each number in the equation indicates specific information about the body... BUT it's the totality of the numbers together which reveal the most information about the body.... Whatever our age, the numbers should be the same as in the Perfect Health Equation.

What does this test reveal?????


The Sugar test is made with a standard refractometer (such as used in wine-making) measures Sugar and ALL Carbohydrates in the Body - - i.e.. number of calories the body is operating on... This number indicates how well the body is handling carbohydrates consumed and whether or not the body is assimilating vitamin C...

Many people, who are thought to be Epileptic are actually experiencing LOW Blood Sugar, which can cause the Seizures! They can QUICKLY be brought to by putting Honey on the Tongue. LOW Blood Sugar is caused by the Pancreas manufacturing TOO MUCH Insulin. Some Carbohydrates cause the Pancreas to FLUSH out Insulin but, when REMOVED from the Diet, the LOW Blood Sugar Level is CORRECTED! The same is TRUE for High Blood Sugar Conditions. When the Body Chemistry is PROPERLY BALANCED, ALL of the numbers in the Equation are ALIGNED!


The pH Testing Process includes testing of Urine and Saliva with pH Paper (which measures pH in 2/10ths increments) or an Electronic pH Meter twice a day for 3 days. This number indicates how well the body is using its energy supplies, and how well the body is eliminating what is left over after digestion. It indicates whether or not the body is putting in enough energy to replace what is being used up... The pH measures Resistance between Cations and Anions in the Body. If the pH reading is 6.40 for Urine and 6.40 Saliva, this shows the body is getting MAXIMUM Energy from food consumed... If the pH reading is consistently either HIGHER or LOWER than desired, then over time TOO MUCH energy is being LOST, allowing some some of illness to begin.

How Energy is created from the food we eat is explained by the Biological Theory of Ionization.... The process of Ionization is a Law of putting things together and taking them apart ion by ion.... An “Anion” is an ion with a negative charge... A “Cation” is an ion with a positive charge.... Electrons in the outer orbit of an Anion move in a different manner from electrons in the outer orbit of a Cation... In the Human Body, resistance between orbiting Anions and Cations (obtained from Anionic and Cationic Foods) creates Energy.

Testing hundreds of Foods, reveal that most Foods are Cationic.... FRESH Lemons and Liver Bile are Anionic.... Dr. Reams advocated drinking plenty of lemon water... FRESH Lemon Juice is especially beneficial to the Liver.... Liver Bile in it's purest state is diluted Hydrochloric Acid... FRESH Lemon Juice is Nature's diluted Hydrochloric Acid... The Liver can convert the compnents of fresh lemon into an amazing amount of different enzymes and vitamins. It's vital to have a healthy Llver, as it's commonly known that MANY Diseases begin when the liver is not functioning properly.

Some minerals such as Calcium, Potassium, and Chlorine are Anionic... Mineral Deficiency cause Degenerative Diseases in the Cell Structure of the affected Organ or Gland... Calcium deficiency in the Liver reduces the of Anionic Bile needed in the Body, (thus affecting the pH Balance). Normal cells can not be produced, or energy levels sustained, or premature cell death prevented (as seen in carcinoma and cancer) IF there are deficiency in the minerals required by a certain organ... Such as: potassium deficiency in the Brain...manganese deficiency in the Reproductive Organs... copper, iron, or zinc deficiency in the Colon... Also Fungus and Bacteria INVADE mineral deficient areas, and very quickly (like a ROTTEN Apple in a barrel of GOOD Apples) nearby healthy cells are weakened and begin dying and decaying creating toxins within the body.


Urine Salts are measured with a standard conductivity meter...

Some boduies can cope with more salt than can others. Usually if the Salt shows 30 on the BTI test, the body is in DANGER of blood vessel and heart muscle damage.

ALL salts cause Blood Vessels to DILATE... If the Body retains TOO MUCH salt over a LONG period of time, Veins and Arteries LOSE their flexibility, leading to what is commonly termed "HARDENING" occurs...

Often retaining TOO MUCH salt cause Angina (pain in the chest)... It's HIGH salt levels, NOT Cholesterol, which causes Angina... But Cholesterol deposits are DANGEROUS because if a piece breaks free... it can plug vessels in the heart muscle... cause spasms as the heart muscle tries to pump blood around the obstacle... in attempting push the piece through sometimes a vessel will burst (anurism = CVA stroke)... Early signs that salt is TOO HIGH for a body to cope with is Varicose Veins.

If the Liver is NOT functioning properly, a person can carefully AVOID salt, yet still have a HIGH salt level. As a result, TOO much salt is being stored in muscles and fatty tissues causing adverse conditions.

Salt substitutes are NO better, than regular table salt... Although DIRT FREE salt is proving to not produce adverse side effects or retention.


The .04M in the BTI equation means 4 Million Particles per Liter. The NORMAL Albumen count is 40,000 per liter of urine per 100 pounds of Body Weight.

NO instrument is required for measuring Albumen which is the termed used for the solid particies in the Urine.... Hold a bottle of fresh urine to a strong light source... The Urine should be CLEAR Yellow with a FEW visible Particles that can be easily seen.... Many particles throughout the Urine, or a cloudy masses, reveals the body is TOXIC and in NEED of immediate cleansing... These particiles and masses are carcinoma cells... FOAM in the Urine indicates NOT enough water is being consumed. Albumin is the measure of the amount of dead cells being eliminated. This should be a constant number. If the body is eliminating too many, the body is changing cells too quickly, and thus aging too fast.


Urea is the undigested protein in the Body. If it registers HIGHER than 3/3 or a total of 6, there is too MUCH Urea in the Blood. UREAS: This measurement indicates how well the body digests proteins, as well as whether or not too many proteins are being consumed. It also shows how efficiently the large and small intestines are eliminating waste materials.

High Urea can be caused by NOT drinking enough water or from drinking water with too MUCH nitrogen fertilizer run-off... The body needs half of its body weight in ounces of water each day... (i.e 100 pounds body weight, daily consume at least 50 ounces of water.)

Often high urea levels occur when the heart muscle consistently beats TOO HARD, not too fast!

Common warning signs include: Fatigue after a normal amount of sleep... DEEP forehead wrinkles from tiredness tension.

Urea numbers can also test HIGH from eating what the Bible labels as "Unclean Foods" (i.e. swine, rabbit, skin fish).... These foods digest too quickly for the body to cope; thus leading TOO MUCH Urea (WASTE Protein) entering the Bloodstream, overloading the Kidneys and overstimulating the heart muscle... HIGH Urea could be cause of sudden death in athletes!

Body Chemistry can be properly balanced.... Drinking Steam-Distilled Water washes salts and urea OUT of the Body along with other TOXINS, which usually collects muscles and joints.

Every Body NEEDS RAW Fruits and Vegetables daily.... Asparagus and Celery contain a NATURAL Arsenic, which strenghtens the heart muscle. Green Vegetable Juices strengthen the Pancreas. Eating a wide variety of Vegetables and Fruits supplies the MOST Minerals.

Refined products such as white flour and white flour, DEPLETE minerals from the body and energy reserves, the numbers reflect these conditions.

The Reams discoveries proved how certain principles of the life of plants and soil, also applies to humans and health.

Dr. Reams Process included:

When Dr. Reams Program is followed, very POSITIVE Results occurred!

As a result of applying the tests Carey Reams developed in the 1950s, he was prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license during the 1970s and hounded out of the U.S.

A small number of "nutritionists" and other fringe practitioners use this Urine/Saliva test as the basis for evaluating a person's health and prescribing dietary supplements to fix it.

The most visible modern proponent of this test has been Gary Martin, who, during the 1980s, operated the American College of Nutripathy, a nonaccredited correspondence school that granted "degrees" in nutrition. One of the school's brochures described nutripathy as "the condensation of most all natural healing and counseling techniques available today .

Martin claimed that nutripathic tests could detect "imbalances which, if left to mature, must ultimately manifest as some form of disease process." and "discover the root cause of the disease while it is still in the prediagnosable stage."

According to Martin's book, Nutripathy: The Final Solution to Your Health Dilemma, the first three numbers represent sugars excreted in the Urine and the acidity (pH) of the Urine and Saliva, and indicate how much "energy input" you have. The other numbers, said to represent your "mineral salts index, urine debris index and nitrate nitrogens over the ammoniacal nitrogens index," indicate how much energy your metabolism is using. "A low energy input and high energy drain," says the book, "means degeneration, rot, decay and death." To fix these alleged problems, Martin and his followers offered a large variety of supplement products.

Some suggest NOT taking Nutritional Supplements until being tested.... "Because you may be UPSETTING your Body Chemistry by taking the WRONG Calciums, for example. Many People are taking the "dirt" CHEAP Calcium Carbonate sold everywhere. However, their Body may NEED another Calcium, e.g. Calcium Gluconate, Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Citrate or Calcium Lactate or ANY combination of the above. WITHOUT the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) Testing, we don't know whether our Food and Supplements are helping or aggravating current maladies...they may even be contributing to deficiencies of other Nutrients.

MOST of us play a sort of "Russian Roulette" with our Supplements and Diets. We can END the "guesswork" by using Reams BTI Testing... You might have to do research to find a Tester, or invest the time and money to learn to be a self-tester... Thanks to "Google" and other Internet Search Engines, locating data for these is getting ever more easy....
During active sessions about this topic at An Ever Beter World Internet Academy, participants do this type of online searching and share it... To learn what courses are currently available, join us at a Daily Online Briefings... info at:

*********** More Helpful Data ***********


The visits of US fertility experts, Dr. Arden Andersen and Dr. Phil Wheeler, to Australia generated tremendous interest in their unique approach to high-production, sustainable agriculture. Both consultants describe themselves as exponents of the Reams / Albrecht / Callahan approach to fertility management. The triumvirate to whom they refer comprises Dr. Carey Reams, Dr. William Albrecht and Dr. Philip Callahan. These three pioneers are central figures in what has become the most powerful sustainable push in late 20th century agriculture. Alternative agriculture has never sailed so close to the mainstream. Vested interests have always successfully contained and controlled what they have regarded as "organic fringe dwellers", but a burgeoning grassroots movement, led by conventional growers, appears to be changing this power base. The Reams / Albrecht / Callahan approach seems destined to become a major force in agriculture, and in this context it is important that we consider and evaluate the work of these pioneers.

The late Dr. Carey Reams is the least known of the three, but he was responsible for a series of remarkable breakthroughs, the most important of which was his discovery of an irrefutable link between nutritional imbalance, weed infestation and pest / disease resistance.


Dr. Carey Reams was both a physician and an agronomist. His medical degree, completed in England, included an undergraduate degree in chemistry. Upon returning to the US to practice medicine, Reams chose to retain his independence by avoiding membership of the AMA (American Medical Association), and this infamous establishment bastion would eventually secure their pound of flesh for Reams' "disrespect". Dr. Reams was dogged throughout his life by the medical authorities objecting to his use of nutritional healing and nutrition-based, preventative medicine. His simple approach could successfully cure several major diseases, but his rebuttal of drug-based mainstream medicine eventually culminated in a Californian jail term during his later years.

A life-changing experience appears to have had a formative influence on the passionate mission that was to become Reams' life work. During World War II Reams enlisted in the US army as a chemist and Officer with the Special Operations Branch, and soon after he was severely injured in a landmine explosion. He suffered serious spinal injuries that left him a quadriplegic. After the war his recovery did not progress as hoped, and he deteriorated to the point that he was considered to be close to death. At this point, in desperation, he travelled to Philadelphia to attend a Katherine Kumen faith healing service. The service, later documented in Katherine Kumen's book, apparently produced a miraculous cure for Reams, and he was able to walk and function normally. Dr. Reams' subsequent conversion to Christianity would greatly influence his later work. He now came to see nature as both divinely ordered and holistic. This was in stark contrast to pidgeon-holing, specialist approach of conventional science.


It is a fact that a shining intellect can often be apparent at an early age, and Reams' genius shone through from the outset. During his childhood on the family farm in Florida, his intuitive and practical understanding of plant growth became legendary. It has been said that his father entrusted him with sole responsibility for a significant growing area when he was just five years old. He devised a fertility program, organised labour and apparently produced an exceptional melon crop at that tender age.

Little is known of Reams' youth and early medical career. It was only after his injury and subsequent surprise-recovery that he really began to make his presence felt. His dual professions as an agricultural consultant and physician contributed to his understanding of a link between human health and soil health, and he began to develop a relationship with the leading researchers in this field - Dr Charles Northern and Dr William Albrecht.

Dr. Charles Northern was a gastro-enterologist who, in 1936, presented congress with findings supporting the concept that human health problems are directly related to the mineral depletion of our soils. Reams worked with Dr Northern's concepts and fused them with the ideas of Dr. William Albrecht, with whom he frequently corresponded. Combining these ideas with his own concepts, he set to work as a consultant in the South Eastern US, where he demonstrated the efficacy of these principles. Reams' clients grew exceptional, high-yielding crops with increasing nutrient density, but, most importantly, these crops were disease-free and resistant to pests.


Dr. Reams never really separated his two professions. He developed extensive systems related to both during the 1950's and 60's. While practicing medicine in Orlando, Florida, he opened a health retreat in Georgia and used this accumulated practical experience and research to develop what he termed the Reams Human Health Equation - a diagnostic and analytical tool based on the testing of urine and saliva. These body fluids were tested with the identical LaMotte soil testing approach, which Reams favoured when evaluating soil health. The test measured energy loss in his patients, and Reams accurately diagnosed specific diseases based upon small reductions in energy loss, without actually seeing his clients.

Dr Reams' diagnostic skills, using his own techniques, were significantly superior to existing techniques at the time. Apparently this approach can still offer better early-warning, diagnostic precision than current alternatives. This part of the Reams work has been continued by Minnesota-based Dr. Joe Manthei, who translated the original Reams recipes to workbook and audio tapes. (Darlene Sartore writer of this web document studied RBTI with Dr. Manthei while he lived in Lancaster Pennsylvania Amish country. Over the years we lost contact with each other.)

Dr. Reams developed his system extensively and had several different clinics around the US, but he still somehow managed to foster his other passion - his agricultural consultancy. During this period, he developed his Biological Theory of Ionisation, which is the centrepiece of his soil-health philosophy. He also perfected the use of a series of monitoring tools, which were to become integral components of his system. These tools included the LaMotte soil test, the refractometer, the conductivity meter and the electronic scanner.

Dr Reams continued to teach agriculture and human health classes through the seventies and eighties, and the validity of his nutrition-enhanced vitality was graphically illustrated in his personal life, when he remarried and fathered a child while in his 80's.

As previously stated ...
This article is dedicated to all who help keep Carey Reams' wisdom available.
Currently the most diligent persons seem to be
A.F. “Sande” Beddoe, Jeanne Beddoe, Bob Pike and Dan Skow...
the following information is what is known at the time of posting this article online.

In 1970, Sande (Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe) completed his dental education and received a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. During my dental education he became very fascinated with the discovery of the real cause of dental decay. Through the revolutionary research of a professor of physiology, at my dental school, also a dentist, I learned that healthy teeth have a natural self-cleansing process that results from the movement of a biologic fluid from the tooth's center (known as the dental pulp where the blood and nerve supply are located) to the outside surface of the tooth's dental enamel. The conclusions determined from this research revealed that in order for teeth to maintain ideal health, they must be connected to a healthy mineral rich body. In other words, the better your body's mineral reserves are maintained, the better the natural self cleansing process your teeth can maintain. This really means that the teeth decay from the inside out, when the self cleaning process breaks down.

Dr. Beddoe especially enjoys the experience of seeing and hearing the "Uh-huhs," when students take note of how the all-encompassing truths of Biological Ionization stand forth, as the solid basis of understanding of all the allopathic and natural health "ologies" and disciplines. Yes, it is very customary for students to come to the overwhelming public realization that Biological Ionization holds the keys to understanding the proper place for all health disciplines. If a health practitioner is never exposed to the significance of Biological Ionization principles, they will always and only ever have a symptom-based therapy system, no matter how natural they orient it. No matter how elaborate or wholistic the diagnostic or treatment routine used to uncover and deal with health dysfunctions, it will never reveal the true cause of the dysfunction nor what to ideally do about it as will the properly understood and applied Biological Ionization principles and techniques. No matter how natural, or otherwise, the therapy of a health practitioner, whether in using natural drugs, homeopathy, herbs, massage, chiropractics, wholistic dentistry, kinesiology, iridology, raw foods, colonics, acupuncture etc., the symptom will remain the focus of the therapy and the real cause will not be addressed. ---- Connect with Sande via

Bob Pike is founder of Pike Agri-Lab Supplies, and well- known agriculture consultant and expert on the teaching of Dr Reams. Bob Pike can be contacted through

Dan Skow, D.V.M., a veterinarian by formal education and founder of International AG Labs, he studied under the late Carey Reams and recorded the original seminars and helped to teach them. Dan still teaches the Reams seminars to this day. Dan Skow can be contacted through

by Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe

The definitive text on the concepts pioneered by Dr. Carey Reams. Beddoe, a former assistant to Reams, explains the principles behind the pH test, proper procedures for conducting tests on urine and saliva, and how to use the test results to tailor counseling recommendations in the diet and lifestyle plans. This text will dispel misunderstandings about body chemistry and will explain how to achieve optimum health through the Reams' system. - Order from:

Alexander F. Beddoe, DDS

Over three decades ago, Dr. Beddoe began to realize that there had to be a better way of addressing the cause of dental disease than simply by repair—known as “drill, fill and bill.” This led him on a fascinating odyssey that resulted in an encounter with Dr. Carey A. Reams in the middle 70s. That meeting began a 10 year relationship in which Dr. Beddoe not only assisted Dr. Reams in teaching his seminars, but also began to write the first text books about Reams’ Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). These texts discuss RBTI not only as it applies to soil and animal health, but also to human health. Dr. Beddoe is a recognized authority, as well as an enthusiastic teacher and lecturer.

If interested in finding Classes on &/or Testers for the Reams Biological Theory Of Ionization, please follow links within Dr. Beddoe's Internet site at and also contact:

The National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals
810 S. Buffalo St.
Warsaw, IN 46580
Ph: 800-321-1005
Fax: 219-267-7006

NOTE: Be SURE any Tester consulted has done the Reams Testing for several years and has been doing it on REGULAR Basis. In other words, he/she should have PLENTY of Experience doing the Reams Testing.


For persons skilled in Reams Urine/Saliva Testing, supplies may be available from...


Pike Agri-Lab Supplies
RR 2 Box 710
Strong, Maine 04983
ph: 207-684- 5131
fax: 207-684-5133

Daily Mfg - -

This Carey Reams Article was compiled for participants of
An Ever Better World Internet Academy

Daily Online Briefings info at: