John asked Jesus, "Master, what is the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus answered: "The kingdom of heaven consists in these three essentials:
And this is the good news of the gospel: that by faith every mortal may have all these essentials of salvation." [ from The Urantia Book: 1585:7]
The Urmia Lectures contain the most extensive record known of Jesus' perspectives about certain topics... For excerpts... click here...
... agondonters, meaning evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing, persevere when isolated, and triumph over insuperable difficulties even when alone. (Paper 50 line 126)
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about Progress Of Civilization?
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about The Faith Of Jesus
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about The Kingdom Of Heaven?
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about The Age of Light and Life (a/k/a Paradise On Earth and the Universe)
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about Paradise?
WHAT does the Urantia Papers say about Sin, Sacrifice, and Atonement?