This is the THIRD book written by Wallace Wattles.
His FIRST book "Science of Getting Rich" published in 1910 is
timeless wisdom, and a practical, step-by-step prosperity program.
1. NO doubt people have many problems, domestic, social, physical, and financial, which seem to those involved to be pressing for instant solution. Many have debts that must be paid, or other obligations that must be met. Many are unhappily or inharmoniously placed, and feel that something must be done at once. Wisdom suggests to not get into a hurry and act from superficial impulses. We can trust God for the solution of all our personal riddles. There is no hurry. There is only God, and all is well with the world.
2. There is an invincible power in each of us, and the same power is in the things desired. It (this invincible power) is bringing our desires to us, and bringing each of us to our desires. This is a thought that we each must grasp and hold continuously: The same intelligence that is in me, is in the things I desire. The things desired are impelled toward me as strongly and decidedly as my desire impels me toward them. Therefore, the tendency of a steadily held thought must be to bring the things desired to me and to group them around me. So long as I hold my thought and my faith right, all must go well. Nothing can be wrong except my own personal attitude, and my attitude will be right IF I trust and am not afraid. Hurry is a manifestation of fear; those who fear not, have plenty of time. If I act with perfect faith in my own perceptions of truth, I will never be too late or too early; and nothing will go wrong. If things appear to be going wrong, I do not get disturbed in mind; it is only in appearance. Nothing can go wrong in this world but myself; and I can go wrong only by getting into the wrong mental attitude. Wisdom suggest that if a person gets excited, worried, or into the mental attitude of hurry, to sit down and think it over, play a game of some kind, or take a vacation and all will be right upon return home. As surely as I find myself in the mental attitude of haste, just as surely may it be known that I am out of the mental attitude of greatness. Hurry and fear will instantly cut connection with the universal mind; thus no power, no wisdom, and no information can occur until there is calm. And to fall into the attitude of hurry will check the action of the Principle of Power within. Fear turns strength to weakness.
3. Remember that poise and power are inseparably associated. The calm and balanced mind is the strong and great mind; the hurried and agitated mind is the weak one. Whenever I fall into the mental state of hurry I may know that I have lost the right viewpoint and will begin to look upon the world, or some part of it, as going wrong. At such times I read Chapter Six of this book; consider the fact that this work is perfect, now, with all that it contains. Nothing is going wrong; nothing can be wrong; be poised, be calm, be cheerful; have faith in God.
4. Next as to habit, it is probable that our greatest difficulty will be to overcome our old habitual ways of thought, and to form new habits. The world is ruled by habit. Kings, tyrants, masters, and plutocrats hold their positions solely because the people have come to habitually accept them. Things are as they are, only because people have formed the habit of accepting them as they are. When We The People change our habitual thought about governmental, social, and industrial institutions, we will change the institutions. Habit rules us all.
5. If a person has formed the habit of thinking of the self as a common person, as one of a limited ability, or as being more or less of a failure, so it is. Whatever I habitually think myself to be that I am. The solution is to form, NOW, a greater and better habit; form a conception of the self as a being of limitless power, and habitually think of being that being. It is the habitual, not the periodical thought, that decides destiny. It will avail nothing to sit apart for a few moments several times a day to affirm that of being great, if during all the balance of the day, while going about regular vocation, to think of the self as not great. No amount of praying or affirmation will make a person great while still habitually regarding the self as being small.
6. The use of prayer and affirmation is to change habit of thought. Any act, mental or physical, often repeated, becomes a habit. The purpose of mental exercises is to repeat certain thoughts over and over until the thinking of those thoughts becomes constant and habitual. The thoughts we continually repeat become convictions. What must be done is to repeat the new thought of the self until it is the only way the self is thought about. Habitual thought, and not environment or circumstance, has made each person what each is. Every person has some central idea or thought-form of the self, and by this idea classifies and arranges all facts and external relationships. Facts are classified either according to the idea of being a great and strong personality, or according to the idea of being limited, common, or weak. If the latter is the case then the central idea must be exchanged with the ideas of being a great and strong personality. Get a new mental picture of the self. Do not try to become great by repeating mere strings of words or superficial formulas; but repeat over and over the THOUGHT of personal power and ability while classifying external facts, and decide to be in the place of power everywhere by this idea. In another chapter will be found an illustrative mental exercise and further directions on this point.
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