Chapter 1 -- The Right To Be Rich
Note: Definition of "Rich" from Paragraphs 4 & 6: A person's right to life and our individual right to be rich MEANS our right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to our fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment.... The person who owns (or has access to) all he or she desires for the living of all the life he or she is capable of living, IS RICH. A person who does not have plenty of money can not have all that is desired. Life has advanced so far and become so complex that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness. Every person naturally desires to become all that we are capable of becoming. This desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we nturally desire to be all that we can be. Success in life is being what I desire to be. What I desire to will be in alignment with my Authentic Self; my purpose for being. I can become what I desire to be only by making use of things, and I can have the free use of things only as I become rich enough to buy or gain access to them. To understand the science of getting and being rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.Being Rich or Wealthy is having ALL Forms of Wealth - i.e. Life, Health, Loving Relationships, Financial Security, Social Peace and Harmony, Meaningful Work, et cetera... These forms of wealth are part of having "Paradise On Earth" in the here and now...
Assignment that goes with reading Chapter One: Begin making ever-expanding WRITTEN lists of Desired Forms of Wealth AND Preceived CURRENT OBSTACLES blocking having these forms of wealth.... Next to each, describe CURRENT associated 'feelings'.... AFTER READING ALL the chapters... GO back through the LISTS, and write about Current FEELINGS AFTER reading the Science of Being Rich... Note any changes and what is felt about these changes... Our objective is perpetually moving from CURRENT Points of View to Ever Better ViewPoints that produce ever more desirable results ever more consistently materialized AT the time desired.
1. Whatever can be said in praising poverty, the fact remains that it's not possible to live a really complete and successful life unless a person is financially rich. Rising to the greatest possible height in talent or soul development requires plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and develop talent, a person must have many things to use, and having these things usually requires money to buy them with.
2. Since a person develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and since society is so organized that human beings must have money in order to become the possessor of things, therefore the basis of all advancement must be the science of getting and being rich....
3. The object of all life is development, and everything that lives has an inalienable right to all the development it is capable of attaining.
4. A person's right to life means our right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary to our fullest mental, spiritual, and physical unfoldment; or, in other words, our individual right to be rich.
5. In this book, Mr. Wattles shall not speak of riches in a figurative way. To be really rich does not mean to be satisfied or contented with a little. No one ought to be satisfied with a little, IF the individual is capable of using and enjoying more. The purpose of nature is the advancement and unfoldment of life, and everyone should have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty, and richness of life. To be content with less is sinful.
6. The person who owns (or has access to) all he or she desires for the living of all the life he or she is capable of living, IS RICH. A person who does not have plenty of money can not have all that is desired. Life has advanced so far and become so complex that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness. Every person naturally desires to become all that we are capable of becoming. This desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help desiring to be all that we can be. Success in life is becoming what I desire to be. I can become what I desire to be only by making use of things, and I can have the free use of things only as I become rich enough to buy or gain access to them. To understand the science of getting and being rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge.
7. There is nothing wrong in desiring to get and be rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life - and that desire is praiseworthy. The person who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the person who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he or she desires is abnormal.
8. There are three motives for which we live: We live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No one of these is better or holier than the other; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three - body, mind, or soul - can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body, and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body or soul.
9. We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul, and we see that real life means the complete expression of all that a person can give forth through body, mind, and soul. Whatever can be said, no one can be really happy or satisfied unless our body is living fully in its every function, and unless the same is true of our mind and our soul. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance.
10. A person cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing, and warm shelter, and without freedom from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to our physical life.
11. One cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship.
12. To live fully in mind a person must have intellectual recreations, and must surround our self with all the objects of art and beauty a person is capable of using and appreciating.
13. To live fully in soul, a person must have love, and love is denied fullest expression by poverty.
14. A person's highest happiness is found in the bestowal (gift) of benefits to those that person loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The individual who has nothing to give cannot fill their place as a spouse or parent, as a citizen, or as a human being. It is in the use of material things that a person finds full life for our body, develops our mind, and unfolds our soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to each individual to be rich.
15. It is perfectly right that I should desire to be rich. If I am a normal Human Being, I cannot help doing so. It is perfectly right that I should give my best attention to the science of getting and being rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies. If I neglect this study, I am derelict in my duty to myself, to God and humanity, for I can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of myself.
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