HOW passionate AM I about MY SURVIVAL?
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Carbon Offset Credits,
Carbon Offset Credits Auctions
ECO Bonuses from Pooling Our Money
to invest in Green Industries
Simple Learn/Do/Earn System... Incentives TO THINK and DO actions that preserve our life-support system.
1. Feel passion for protecting healthy planet that empowers my life (and GET PAID FOR sharing the passion)... DO I value my own life???? --- Do I value the lives of my loved ones???? --- We feel emotional attachment to being wise stewards for that which we sincerely value and appreciate.
2. Join Carbon Central Network and discover how to create a GREEN IDEAL Carbon Footprint ---(can join free to learn facts)
3. Use PM Marketing System to share what is learned.
Human-Beings are only one of billions of species and ECO-systems on this planet... Human Beings are the ONLY species and eco-system causing BOTH the EXTINCTION of OTHER species, EXTINCTION of eco-systems, AND causing our OWN Extinction... GET FACTS... Sixth Extinction.
DO I value my own life???? --- Do I value the lives of my loved ones???? --- WHEN we place a high value we *incentivize doing the actions to protect what is valued... WHEN I do what is required to keep my life THEN I might get to keep my life... IF I do NOT do what is required to protect my life, WHY should I expect to have my life continue?
Often incentives are provided by offering methods we can each EARN Money for doing the work required to produce the desired results; which in this value topic includes providing information about how to Easily Protect OUR Planet's Life-sustaining Eco-system and WISELY USE our Precious Resources.
* incentivize, incentivise (verb = action word)a. to provide (someone) with a good reason for wanting to do something
b. to promote (something) with a particular incentive (reward, benefit)
It is imperitive to save our life-sustaining environment, including the precious Rain Forests... SO HOW do we incentivize protecting this precious life-sustaining resource?... What do we offer that has high enough value that people will keep attention on doing actions that protect the planet's eco-systems? ... It would seem that LIFE would be enough, BUT so far that has NOT provided enough incentives to prevent greed from polluting our environment and destroying the rainforests... It seems we must attach being PAID MONEY to get and keep emotions and attention focused on doing actions that provide clean healthy environment in which to survive and thrive... Finally we have a system in place to provide US ALL with that financial incentive, and at the same time empower indigenous people to protect eco-systems in their areas that we ALL need to survive.
At this point in our dialog it might be helpful to review information about the Rimba Rainforest Conservation Project.
Willie Smits Restores A Rainforest
"After all our searching, the only thing we've found to make the emptiness bearable is _________."
Watch the video to find out. It's important.
from Contact a 1997 film with Jodie Foster
We NEED EACH OTHER harmonically working together in Green Activities including developing ever-more Green Industries... We must each focus on creating our own personal Ideal Carbon FootPrint... It is vital that Green Industries receive the money and consumer support required to provide IDEAL EcoSystems, IDEAL LifeStyles, IDEAL Networks, and IDEAL Civilization... This seems like a "natural given" (clearly comprehended by all of us); but at this time such is NOT a fact for most of humanity because Human Beings have been destroying the natural world around us and in the process unwittingly created self-destructive cultures. We must create a NEW vision for our species, by honestly observing conditions, by recognizing causes and effects, and by wisely critiquing humanity's stewardship of our currently endangered life-sustaining eco-systems on the planet upon which we depend for life.
Gary Snyder paints a portrait of a natural world half-intact and half-destroyed. In doing so, he raises urgent questions:
Political definitions on the landscape are quite arbitrary and recent. In the archaic cultures of the not-too-distant past, regions had a natural coherence because they were ecologically self-defining, rather than politically defined. The birthright of all humans WAS "our knowledge of our local ecosystems."
Green Power Consciousness often develops from challenges as it did for John Muir who when working as an industrial engineer in Indianapolis, Indiana at a plant that manufactured carriage parts. In early March 1867, an accident changed the course of his life: a tool he was using slipped and struck him in the eye. He was confined to a darkened room for six weeks, worried if he’d ever regain his sight. When he did, "he saw the world — and his purpose — in a new light,"... "This affliction has driven me to the sweet fields. God has to nearly kill us sometimes, to teach us lessons." ... From that point on, John Muir was determined to "be true to myself" and follow his dream of exploration and study of plants... John Muir (b. April 21, 1838 – d. December 24 1914) was a Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States. His letters, essays, and books telling of his adventures in nature, especially in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, have been read by millions. His activism helped to save the Yosemite Valley, Sequoia National Park and other wilderness areas. The Sierra Club, which he founded, is now one of the most important conservation organizations in the United States. One of the most well-known hiking trails in the U.S., the 211-mile (340 km) John Muir Trail, was named in his honor. Other places named in his honor are Muir Woods National Monument, Muir Beach, John Muir College, Camp Muir and Muir Glacier. In his later life, John Muir devoted most of his time to the preservation of the Western forests. He petitioned the U.S. Congress for the National Park Bill that was passed in 1899, establishing both Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. Because of the spiritual quality and enthusiasm toward nature expressed in his writings, he was able to inspire readers, including presidents and congressmen, to take action to help preserve large nature areas. He is today referred to as the "Father of the National Parks," and the National Parks Service produced a short documentary on his life. Watch video Muir's biographer, Steven J. Holmes, states that Muir has become "one of the patron saints of twentieth-century American environmental activity," both political and recreational. As a result, his writings are commonly discussed in books and journals, and he is often quoted in books by nature photographers such as Ansel Adams. "Muir has profoundly shaped the very categories through which Americans understand and envision their relationships with the natural world," writes Holmes. Muir was noted for being an ecological thinker, political spokesman, and religious prophet, whose writings became a personal guide into nature for countless individuals, making his name "almost ubiquitous" in the modern environmental consciousness. According to author William Anderson, Muir exemplified "the archetype of our oneness with the earth", while biographer Donald Worster says he understood his mission to be, "Saving the American soul from total surrender to materialism." ... Read the REST OF HIS Story at above hot link in Wikipedia.
Many people recognize that Carbon in the air is DEADLY.... BUT as yet far too few people understand that EACH TREE takes about ONE TON of CARBON OUT of the air and puts carbon BACK into the soil where it is SAFE... Carbon Offset Credits is a method to force carbon emitting industries to drastically REDUCE amount of carbon they put into AIR and CLEAN UP pollution they already have caused (OR PAY HIGH PRICE to clean up pollution from their irresponsbile actions).
Customize the 5 websites in your Build Fortunes Education Package, to share wisdom about earning HUGE profits from buying and selling of Carbon Offset Credits -- the HOT Commodity for 2011 -- You have AT your Finger-tips the complete system to instantly BE earning high percent of return on your money and time... Share wisdom with your CyberSites and Social Media Networks... PLUS easily attract NEW participants from Responsive OPTIN Leads provided and placed for you into your FREE Leads Management and Email Sending System.
Connect via Social Networks with people who care about having SAFE enviroments in which to live... Connect with people inspiring: Eco-Ignorance to Eco-Wisdom ..... Unhealthy to Healthy... Insanity to Sanity... Ecosystems sustain every life-supporting function on the planet, including climate regulation, water filtration, soil formation (pedogenesis), food, fibers, medicines, erosion control, and many other natural features of historical, spiritual or scientific value....
To help comprehend this topic, it's suggested consulting information collected at Carbon Central Network websites and Wikipedia...; to wit:
A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions of carbon or greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere.
Carbon offsets are measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) and may represent six primary categories of greenhouse gases. One carbon offset represents the reduction of one metric ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
There are two markets for carbon offsets.
In the larger, compliance market, companies, governments, or other entities buy carbon offsets in order to comply with caps on the total amount of carbon dioxide they are allowed to emit. In 2006, about $5.5 billion of carbon offsets were purchased in the compliance market, representing about 1.6 billion metric tons of CO2e reductions.In the much smaller, voluntary market, individuals, companies, or governments purchase carbon offsets to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, electricity use, and other sources. For example, an individual might purchase carbon offsets to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions caused by personal air travel. Many companies offer carbon offsets as an up-sell during the sales process so that customers can mitigate the emissions related with their product or service purchase (such as offsetting emissions related to a vacation flight, car rental, hotel stay, consumer good, etc.). In 2008, about $705 million of carbon offsets were purchased in the voluntary market, representing about 123.4 million metric tons of CO2e reductions.
Offsets are typically achieved through financial support of projects that reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the short- or long-term. The most common project type is renewable energy, such as wind farms, biomass energy, or hydroelectric dams. Others include energy efficiency projects, the destruction of industrial pollutants or agricultural byproducts, destruction of landfill methane, and forestry projects. Some of the most popular carbon offset projects from a corporate perspective are energy efficiency and wind turbine projects.
Carbon offsetting has gained some appeal and momentum mainly among consumers in western countries who have become aware and concerned about the potentially negative environmental effects of energy-intensive lifestyles and economies. The Kyoto Protocol has sanctioned offsets as a way for governments and private companies to earn carbon credits which can be traded on a marketplace. The protocol established the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which validates and measures projects to ensure they produce authentic benefits and are genuinely "additional" activities that would not otherwise have been undertaken. Organizations that are unable to meet their emissions quota can offset their emissions by buying CDM-approved Certified Emissions Reductions.
Offsets may be cheaper or more convenient alternatives to reducing one's own fossil-fuel consumption. However, some critics object to carbon offsets, and question the benefits of certain types of offsets.
Offsets are viewed as an important policy tool to maintain stable economies. One of the hidden dangers of climate change policy is unequal prices of carbon in the economy, which can cause economic collateral damage if production flows to regions or industries that have a lower price of carbon - unless carbon can be purchased from that area, which offsets effectively permit, equalizing the price.
Carbon offset markets
Global market
In 2009, 8.2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent changed hands worldwide, up 68% from 2008, according to the study by carbon-market research firm Point Carbon, of Washington and Oslo. But at EUR94 billion, or about $135 billion, the market's value was nearly unchanged compared with 2008, with world carbon prices averaging EUR11.40 a ton, down about 40% from the previous year, according to the study. The World Bank's "State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2010"[20] put the overall value of the market at $144 billion, but found that a significant part of this figure resulted from manipulation of a VAT loophole.
E.U. market
The global carbon market is dominated by the European Union, where companies that emit greenhouse gases are required to cut their emissions or buy pollution allowances or carbon credits from the market, under the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Europe, which has seen volatile carbon prices due to fluctuations in energy prices and supply and demand, will continue to dominate the global carbon market for another few years, as the U.S. and China—the world's top polluters—have yet to establish mandatory emission-reduction policies.
U.S. market
On the whole, the U.S. market remains primarily a voluntary market, but multiple cap and trade regimes are either fully implemented or near-imminent at the regional level. The first mandatory, market-based cap-and-trade program to cut CO2 in the U.S., called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), kicked into gear in Northeastern states in 2009, growing nearly tenfold to $2.5 billion, according to Point Carbon. Western Climate Initiative (WCI) -- a regional cap-and-trade program including seven western states (California notably among them) and four Canadian provinces — has established a regional target for reducing heat-trapping emissions of 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
Voluntary market
A wide range of participants are involved in the voluntary market, including providers of different types of offsets, developers of quality assurance mechanisms, third party verifiers, and consumers who purchase offsets from domestic or international providers. Suppliers include for-profit companies, governments, colleges and universities, and other organizations.
According to industry analyst Ecosystem Marketplace, the voluntary markets present the opportunity for citizen consumer action, as well as an alternative source of carbon finance and an incubator for carbon market innovation. In their survey of voluntary markets, data has shown that “Corporate Social Responsibility” and “Public Relations/Branding” are clearly in first place among motivations for voluntary offset purchases, with evidence indicating that companies seek to offset emissions "for goodwill, both of the general public and their investors." In addition, regarding market composition, research indicates: "Though many analysts perceive pre-compliance buying as a dominant driving force in the voluntary market, the results of our survey have repeatedly indicated that precompliance motives (as indicated by “investment/resale” and “anticipation of regulation”) remain secondary to those of the pure voluntary market (companies/individuals offsetting their emissions)."
Pre-compliance & trading
The other main category of buyers on the voluntary markets are those engaged in pre-compliance and/or trading. Those purchasing offsets for pre-compliance purposes are doing so with the expectation, or as a hedge against the possibility, of future mandatory cap and trade regulations. As a mandatory cap would sharply increase the price of offsets, firms—especially those with large carbon footprints and the corresponding financial exposure to regulation—make the decision to acquire offsets in advance at what are expected to be lower prices. The trading market in offsets in general resembles the trade in other commodities markets, with financial professionals including hedge funds and desks at major investment banks, taking positions in the hopes of buying cheap and selling dear, with their motivation typically short or medium term financial gain.
Multiple players in the retail market have offerings that enable consumers and businesses to calculate their carbon footprint, most commonly through a web-based interface including a calculator or questionnaire, and sell them offsets in the amount of that footprint. In addition many companies selling products and services, especially carbon-intensive ones such as airline travel, offer options to bundle a proportional offsetting amount of carbon credits with each transaction.
Suppliers of voluntary offsets operate under both nonprofit and social enterprise models, or a blended approach sometimes referred to as triple bottom line. Other suppliers include broader environmentally focused organizations with website subsections or initiatives that enable retail voluntary offset purchases by members, and government created projects.
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The World Resources Institute defines a carbon offset as "a unit of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) that is reduced, avoided, or sequestered to compensate for emissions occurring elsewhere".
The Collins English Dictionary defines a carbon offset as "a compensatory measure made by an individual or company for carbon emissions, usually through sponsoring activities or projects which increase carbon dioxide absorption, such as tree planting."
The Environment Protection Authority of Victoria (Australia) defines a carbon offset as: "a monetary investment in a project or activity elsewhere that abates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or sequesters carbon from the atmosphere that is used to compensate for GHG emissions from your own activities. Offsets can be bought by a business or individual in the voluntary market (or within a trading scheme), a carbon offset usually represents one tonne of CO2-e".
The Stockholm Environment Institute defines a carbon offset as "a credit for negating or diminishing the impact of emitting a ton of carbon dioxide by paying someone else to absorb or avoid the release of a ton of CO2 elsewhere".
The University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute defines a carbon offset as "mechanism whereby individuals and corporations pay for reductions elsewhere in order to offset their own emissions."
Helpful links about Carbon Offset Credits....